[Catalyst] Encoding UTF8 ?
John M. Dlugosz
wxju46gefd at snkmail.com
Mon Mar 28 19:11:20 GMT 2011
On 3/28/2011 1:25 PM, Jorge Gonzalez jorge.gonzalez-at-daikon.es |Catalyst/Allow to home|
> Did you set ENCODING => 'utf-8' in the configuration of your TT View?
Ah, thanks! That worked. I looked again carefully at
<http://search.cpan.org/~rhandom/Template-Alloy-1.016/lib/Template/Alloy.pod#CONFIGURATION> and
it turns out I was reading about "HTLM::Template Style configuration", which only listed a
smaller number of items. When I searched the text of the page, I found ENCODING in the
previous section.
My bad.
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