[Catalyst] error in reading filehandler when creating thumbnails
steve at matsch.com
Wed Nov 16 16:20:50 GMT 2011
This is not really a Catalyst question. Having said that, I don't see
where &read_callback is defined. It also looks like your 'Args(0)' is
screwed up - where do you expect to find $path, $fh, and $photos???
On 11/16/2011 10:49 AM, Tanya wrote:
> hello,
> =head2 generate_thumbnail
> We tried to create an image gallaery for my photos with catalyst. Few
> image files were uploaded and in database columns named 'path' in a
> table named 'photos'. The schema of the database is named 'photo'.
> After 'stashing' the contents of the table 'photo', when trying to
> process the data from the 'stash' to create 'thumbnails' using the
> following methods which is failing at the 'read statement.. It says
> "callback parameter missing" Can someone help me solve this please?
> Thankyou.
> =cut
> sub generate_thumbnail : Chained('get_photos') PathPart('thumbnail') Args(0) {
> my ( $self, $c, $path, $fh, $photos ) = @_;
> my $photos = $c->stash->{photos};
> my $size = $self->thumbnail_size;
> my $mimeinfo = File::MimeInfo->new;
> my $data = open($fh,"> $photos->$path") or die "Error: $!";
> my $img = Imager->new;
> my ($max_width, $max_height, $max_bytes) =
> Imager->get_file_limits();
> #------Giving error at read statement ------- Any suggestions? ----****
> # $img->read(callback => \&read_callback) or die;
> $img->read( $fh => $data, type => 'jpg') or die $img->errstr;
> my $scaled = $img->scale( xheight => $size );
> my $out;
> $scaled->write(
> type => $mimeinfo->extensions( $photos->mime ),
> data => \$out
> )
> or die $scaled->errstr;
> $c->res->content_type( $photos->mime );
> $c->res->content_length( $out );
> $c->res->header( "Content-Disposition" => "inline; filename="
> . $mimeinfo->extensions( $photos->mime ) );
> binmode $out;
> $c->res->body($out);
> }
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