[Catalyst] Path is "/"

Nick catalyst at acrasis.net
Tue Sep 6 14:30:16 GMT 2011

On 2011-09-06 15:17, Tomas Doran wrote:
> Fancy sharing the full debug startup for the app (with my suggested
> change) and the request in question?

Sure, thanks for looking at it.  The startup messages and response to
the request http://localhost:3000/login/124/audit_log follow below.
The source code is at https://gitorious.org/catex/catex/trees/master

$ CATALYST_DEBUG=1 script/myapp_server.pl
[debug] Debug messages enabled
[debug] Statistics enabled
[debug] Loaded plugins:
| Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication  0.10017                                  |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles  0.09                               |
| Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader  0.30                                       |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Session  0.31                                            |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie  0.17                             |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::DBI  0.16                                |
| Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace  0.11                                         |

[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::HTTP"
[debug] Found home "/home/nick/catut/MyApp"
[debug] Setting up auth realm default
[debug] Loaded Config "/home/nick/catut/MyApp/myapp.conf"
[debug] Loaded components:
| Class                                                           | Type     |
| MyApp::Controller::Books                                        | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Login                                        | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Logout                                       | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Root                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DB                                                | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DB::AppAction                                     | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DB::AppRole                                       | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DB::AppSession                                    | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DB::AppUser                                       | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DB::AppUserRole                                   | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DB::Author                                        | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DB::Book                                          | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DB::BookAuthor                                    | class    |
| MyApp::View::HTML                                               | instance |

[debug] Loaded Private actions:
| Private              | Class                                | Method       |
| /error_noperms       | MyApp::Controller::Root              | error_noper- |
|                      |                                      | ms           |
| /default             | MyApp::Controller::Root              | default      |
| /end                 | MyApp::Controller::Root              | end          |
| /index               | MyApp::Controller::Root              | index        |
| /auto                | MyApp::Controller::Root              | auto         |
| /logout/index        | MyApp::Controller::Logout            | index        |
| /login/cheat2        | MyApp::Controller::Login             | cheat2       |
| /login/doit          | MyApp::Controller::Login             | doit         |
| /login/cheat1        | MyApp::Controller::Login             | cheat1       |
| /login/index         | MyApp::Controller::Login             | index        |
| /login/cheat         | MyApp::Controller::Login             | cheat        |
| /login/get_sess      | MyApp::Controller::Login             | get_sess     |
| /login/audit_log     | MyApp::Controller::Login             | audit_log    |
| /login/list          | MyApp::Controller::Login             | list         |
| /books/create        | MyApp::Controller::Books             | create       |
| /books/show          | MyApp::Controller::Books             | show         |
| /books/get_book_fro- | MyApp::Controller::Books             | get_book_fr- |
| m_db                 |                                      | om_db        |
| /books/edit          | MyApp::Controller::Books             | edit         |
| /books/bmodel        | MyApp::Controller::Books             | bmodel       |
| /books/index         | MyApp::Controller::Books             | index        |
| /books/list_recent   | MyApp::Controller::Books             | list_recent  |
| /books/list_recent_- | MyApp::Controller::Books             | list_recent- |
| tcp                  |                                      | _tcp         |
| /books/list          | MyApp::Controller::Books             | list         |

[debug] Loaded Path actions:
| Path                                | Private                              |
| /                                   | /index                               |
| /books/                             | /books/index                         |
| /login/                             | /login/index                         |
| /login/cheat1/...                   | /login/cheat1                        |
| /login/cheat2/...                   | /login/cheat2                        |
| /login/doit/                        | /login/doit                          |
| /login/list/...                     | /login/list                          |
| /logout/                            | /logout/index                        |

[debug] Loaded Chained actions:
| Path Spec                           | Private                              |
| /books/create                       | /books/bmodel (0)                    |
|                                     | => /books/create                     |
| /books/id/*/edit                    | /books/bmodel (0)                    |
|                                     | -> /books/get_book_from_db (1)       |
|                                     | => /books/edit                       |
| /books/list                         | /books/bmodel (0)                    |
|                                     | => /books/list                       |
| /books/list_recent/*                | /books/bmodel (0)                    |
|                                     | => /books/list_recent                |
| /books/list_recent_tcp/*            | /books/bmodel (0)                    |
|                                     | => /books/list_recent_tcp            |
| /books/id/*/show                    | /books/bmodel (0)                    |
|                                     | -> /books/get_book_from_db (1)       |
|                                     | => /books/show                       |
| /default/...                        | /default                             |
| /error_noperms                      | /error_noperms                       |
| /login/id/*/audit_log               | /login/get_sess (1)                  |
|                                     | => /login/audit_log                  |

[info] Cyberpaper Publishing powered by Catalyst 5.80033
You can connect to your server at http://nickpad:3000
[info] *** Request 1 (0.167/s) [11297] [Tue Sep  6 15:24:04 2011] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "login/124/audit_log" from ""
[debug] Arguments are "login/124/audit_log"
[debug] Found sessionid "3ad0d3ef9c070c268cbcebd9cc7f1b0820c91dec" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "3ad0d3ef9c070c268cbcebd9cc7f1b0820c91dec"
[debug] Response Code: 404; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 34
[info] Request took 0.057209s (17.480/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /auto                                                      | 0.000904s |
| /default                                                   | 0.000276s |
| /end                                                       | 0.035989s |


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