[Catalyst] Can the latest Catalyst version from CPAN be installed under Windows?

John Napiorkowski jjn1056 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 9 13:00:59 GMT 2011

>From: Charlie Garrison <garrison at zeta.org.au>
>To: The elegant MVC web framework <catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk>
>Sent: Friday, September 9, 2011 1:09 AM
>Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Can the latest Catalyst version from CPAN be installed under Windows? 
>Good afternoon,
>On 8/09/11 at 6:21 PM -0700, John Napiorkowski <jjn1056 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> 2) Create and activate a local::lib where you dependencies will go (in other words never install stuff into the perlbrew managed Perl)
>What is the reason for not installing into perlbrew managed libs? I've got perlbrew setup almost exclusively for Catalyst, so why do the extra modules need to be installed elsewhere?

If you install all your cpan dependencies into your perlbrew managed perl you'd have to reinstall perlbrew from scratch if you want to truly test your build system.  For me, I like to test my build by building everything from the start and I can do that by either just deleting my local lib directory or creating a new local lib.  Also if you work on multiple projects, or support several different cpan modules, I find it prudent to have one local lib per project  for everything to be cleanly separated.  I realize that leads to a lot of possible duplication, but hard drive space is pretty cheap nowadays.

I also tend to test my cpan dists into a clean, new local lib before pushing to cpan, just to make sure I didn't mess anything up.

I just find separating the two to be clean and productive, but your results may vary.  I install Perl with perlbrew and then try to forget about it, keep it pristine.  I just suggest it if you are having trouble because my method is a way that I know works well.  Following this has lead me to be able to install my applications very successfully.  If you change the process I can be certain it will work as well, although it might.

>--    Ꮚ Charlie Garrison ♊ <garrison at zeta.org.au>
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