[Catalyst] RE: DBIC <-> JSON conversion for AJAX
Roland Philibert
rphilibert at aptina.com
Wed Sep 14 14:54:01 GMT 2011
Eden or anybody familiar on this subject,
I tried your solution (REST + DBIx::..::HashRefInflator) but because my
search retrieve more than one rows, I populated an array as per:
sub thing_GET {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
my @arr=();
my $rs = $c->model('DB::data)->search({}, {
result_class =>
while (my $hashref = $rs->next) {
push @arr,$hashref;
entity => \@arr
Would you say that this is a valid approach? Or can I retrieve all data
bu other means with the DBIx model?
-----Original Message-----
From: Roland Philibert
Sent: 13 September 2011 16:56
To: The elegant MVC web framework
Subject: RE: [Catalyst] RE: DBIC <-> JSON conversion for AJAX
Eden> Then if you ask for a Content-Type of application/json you'll get
JSON from that in your response.
I would do that by adding to the REST controller:
sub end :Private {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
Is that correct?
-----Original Message-----
From: Eden Cardim [mailto:edencardim at gmail.com]
Sent: 12 September 2011 21:31
To: The elegant MVC web framework
Subject: Re: [Catalyst] RE: DBIC <-> JSON conversion for AJAX
>>>>> "Roland" == Roland Philibert <rphilibert at aptina.com> writes:
Roland> Thanks all for your suggestions so far. I was I guess on
Roland> the right track with JSON:XS but I had also seen REST but so
Roland> far I am still unsure as what the best way to go
Catalyst::Controller::REST + DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator
works pretty well:
entity => $rs->search({}, {
result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator'
Then if you ask for a Content-Type of application/json you'll get JSON
from that in your response.
Eden Cardim
Code Monkey http://www.shadowcat.co.uk/catalyst/
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