[Catalyst] fcgid configuration for catalyst

Tomas Doran bobtfish at bobtfish.net
Thu Feb 2 13:09:40 GMT 2012

On 2 Feb 2012, at 11:39, Riju Royson wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply. I tried using Data::Dump, the values are as  
> follows,


>                         stash     => {
>                                         PERL_ENV => {
>                                               AUTHENTICATE_CN
> => "rkurien",

So this is in the per request stash.. I wonder why your app is  
grabbing PERL_ENV...

Can you grab the app for the phrase PERL_ENV, and show us the top  
level application class, and whichever class contains PERL_ENV?
>                                               PATH_INFO
> => "/static/images/logo.gif",
>                                               PATH_TRANSLATED
> => "/auto/web-sciam/app/root/static/images/logo.gif",
> QUERY_STRING            => "",
>                                               REMOTE_ADDR
> => "",
> REMOTE_PORT             => 2596,
>                                               REMOTE_USER
> => "rkurien",
> REQUEST_METHOD          => "GET",
>                                               REQUEST_URI
> => "/cts/static/images/logo.gif",
>                                               SCRIPT_FILENAME
> => "/auto/web-sciam/app/script/cts_fastcgi_eifweb.pl",
>                                               SCRIPT_NAME
> => "/app",
>                                               SCRIPT_URI
> => "http://app.com/cts/static/images/logo.gif",
>                                               SCRIPT_URL
> => "/cts/static/images/logo.gif",
>                                               SERVER_ADDR
> => "",
>                                               SERVER_ADMIN
> => "webmaster-cts\@cisco.com",
>                                               SERVER_NAME
> => "app.com",
> SERVER_PORT             => 80,

So these look like at whatever point this is captured, the environment  
is sane - why this isn't being picked up by Catalyst::Engine::CGI  
(which the FastCGI engine subclasses) is a mystery to me, but I  
suspect your app code..

> I removed the FcgidInitialEnv lines fromhttpd conf. But still am not
> able to move forward.

Does it all work if you use the development server? I.e. is it _only_  
FastCGI that's an issue, or generally with anything not mod_perl

> We are using catalyst  5.7014.

This version is almost 4 years old, which is a lifetime! But it's  
probably easier to get you sorted out where you are right now than  
trying to upgrade as well.



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