[Catalyst] Best way to install upgrade to FC12 (or how to get by
a failing CPAN upgrade)
Kieren Diment
diment at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 13:09:46 GMT 2012
On 13/02/2012, at 11:56 PM, Evan Carew wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion. Compiling my own perl build was really a last
> ditch option I regarded as admitting defeat, i.e., fixing / finding the
> actual problem wa deemed to difficult.
I used to think that too. Now (given I strongly prefer the relocatable perl approach) I find that I very rarely need to build a new perl. And it saves me many headaches with worrying about, and fighting with the system perl. Especially with cpanminus. But I am me and you are you. I take the blame[1] for local perl infrastructure on debian, ubuntu, os x, windows and solaris systems, and this approach works well for me (I use strawberry relocatable for windows, which means I find solaris a bigger headache than windows for the most part - the others are pretty much incident free). Now that we have cpanminus I would never go back to OS package manager based systems if I could help it.
[1] Blame is not the same as responsibility.
> Late last night, after going through the build logs in much greater detail,
> I noticed that a number of packages were asking for module builder of a
> recent vintage. Turns out that this was the root of the problem. Module
> builder needed to update itself, however, somewhere along the line, module
> builder broke its ability to update itself more than one point release at a
> time. Once I fixed this, Catalyst updated just fine.
> On Feb 13, 2012 1:48 AM, "Kieren Diment" <diment at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 13/02/2012, at 1:32 PM, Evan Carew wrote:
>>> I have the older Catalyst packages for my stock FC12 laptop installed,
>> and
>>> I've failed to upgrade them twice already. The question I have is what's
>>> the best way to get the latest Catalyst installed on my linux box. Do I
>>> need to clear out perl entirely, and start from scratch, or is there some
>>> not-so-well-known procedure besides CPAN to upgrade to the latest.
>> 1. Compile your own perl to /usr/local/bin or a relocatable perl
>> 1a If relocatable also install and configure local::lib (mainly because of
>> shebang issues and relocatable perl) (optionally install and configure
>> local::lib anyway).
>> 2. Update your PATH variable if necessary.
>> 3. Install App::Cpanminus.
>> 4. Leave the system perl alone for system utilities.
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