[Catalyst] Catalyst 5.9007 / memcache /high cpu
Vladimir Timofeev
vovkasm at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 05:08:10 GMT 2012
2012/2/17 Todd Benge <todd.benge at trackvia.com>:
> Hi,
> We recently updated our web servers to Catalyst 5.9007 with Perl 5.12.
> After the upgrade, we've consistently seen very high cpu on the machines >
> 90%. After much looking, it appears that the apache threads are stuck in
> Cache::Memcached disconnecting.
> We use Catalyst:Plugin::Session::Store::Cache::Memcached and
> Plugin::Session. We've tried Cache::Memcached::Fast but see random
> segmentation faults.
> So, I'm looking to see if anyone else has seen this problem or may have any
> suggestions?
I've seen similar problems when the connection (to memcached in this
case) was set up before fork. After fork, you can't reuse same socket.
For example: DBIC automatically handle it, by compare saved (on
connect time) pid with current pid, and reconnect when they not equal.
> One option we're considering is moving away from the Memcached session store
> and using DBIC instead? Any recommendations?
> I appreciate any help.
> Thanks,
> Todd
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Vladimir Timofeev <vovkasm at gmail.com>
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