[Catalyst] Catalyst 5.90010 server must be in CWD to run?
Louis Erickson
lerickson at rdwarf.net
Wed Feb 29 22:59:48 GMT 2012
On Feb 22, 2012, at 10:57 PM, Dami Laurent (PJ) wrote:
>> -----Message d'origine-----
>> De : Kieren Diment [mailto:diment at gmail.com]
> [...]
>> My understanding was that a recent release of catalyst had a bug that
>> meant that the scripts couldn't infer the location of the app's lib
>> directory. It seems to be fixed in version 5.90010 as per this changes
>> file:
>> https://metacpan.org/source/MSTROUT/Catalyst-Runtime-5.90010/Changes
>> _______________________________________________
> Well, I just installed, 5.900010, the bug is still there.
> There is a RT ticket, still open :
> https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=75098
The issue I noticed in 5.9.0010 is still true; it only adds the libraries to @INC if the current working directory contains the Makefile.PL. It's trying to guess if this is checked out from source control, and guessing oddly.
What I don't understand is why it guesses that CWD is the place to check; wouldn't $FindBin::RealBin/.. be a better choice and less likely to be an error? CWD is a pretty external thing and can change easily.
This little change messes up a bunch of tools I use, and means that the fastcgi version won't start in my webserver without a config change there.
If I can ever get free time to poke it, I may offer a patch which adds a check for both CWD and a path relative to the script. Doing that neatly has been more time than I have had in the last week. It's on my list, really.
Who would be the right person to send such a patch to? The list in general?
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