[Catalyst] Data export question
Kenneth S Mclane
ksmclane at us.ibm.com
Mon Jul 2 17:45:48 GMT 2012
It will just be a dump of the current query results, possibly a whole
table, so It will need to create new tabs when they reach 65K since most
of my users are still on office 2003. I guess I could use
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel, I just need to figure out the mechanics of
getting the data into the sheetand something to keep track of the number
of rows and create new tabs as needed.
Len Jaffe <lenjaffe at jaffesystems.com> wrote on 07/02/2012 12:23:32 PM:
> From:
> Len Jaffe <lenjaffe at jaffesystems.com>
> To:
> The elegant MVC web framework <catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk>
> Date:
> 07/02/2012 12:29 PM
> Subject:
> Re: [Catalyst] Data export question
> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Kenneth S Mclane <ksmclane at us.ibm.com>
> I need to export my data to an Excel file on demand. I have been
> looking around and it looks like DBIx::Dumper should do it, but the
> docs are a bit sparse. Has anyone done this with it or something
> else? I need to have a link the user can click on which will dump
> the current recordset in the stash into an Excel file and then
> prompt for a save location. That's probably a separate function.
> How complex will the spreadsheet be.
> You can do tricky things like dump a csv or tsv, but name it .xls
> and excel will do the right thing in most cases. otherwise, I'd
> look at Spreadsheet::WriteExcel.
> L
> --
> lenjaffe at jaffesystems.com 614-404-4214
> Proprietor: http://www.theycomewithcheese.com/ - An Homage to Fromage
> Greenbar: Grubmaster: 2012-2009, Grub Asst: 2008, Trained: 2007.
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