[Catalyst] Noob hoping for help encoding mysql datetime fields for JSON

Francisco Obispo fobispo at isc.org
Thu Mar 15 21:43:32 GMT 2012



created is most likely a DateTime object.

more info: perldoc DateTime


On Mar 15, 2012, at 2:38 PM, Steve Seremeth wrote:

> Hello - 
> I am semi new to Perl and Catalyst.  I have walked through the Catalyst tutorial a couple times and have also picked up a couple books and done much googling that always seem to get me close but leave me hanging.
> Have been looking at tons of docs for catalyst::controller::rest and catalyst::view::json amongst many others and can't find joy.
> Anyway -- I think I would be on the right track if someone solved this basic inquiry:
> Working from this example:
> http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2009/22# An AJAX CRUD Interface with Catalyst and jQuery
> which I have working fine, fwiw...
> How would you expose the "created" column from the db (schema came from here: http://search.cpan.org/~bobtfish/Catalyst-Manual-5.9003/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/04_BasicCRUD.pod and is, in this example, a sqlite TIMESTAMP col) in the JSON generated by the API controller's grid_POST method? 
> If I simply add the column to the API controller here:
> <snip>
>     $data{rows}  = [
>         map { +{
>             id => $_->id,
>             cell => [
>                 $_->id,
>                 $_->title,
>                 $_->rating,
>                 $_->author_list,
>                 $_->created,
>             ]
>         } } $paged_rs->all
>     ];
> </snip>
> The app throws this:
> Content-Type application/json had a problem with your
>       request.
> ***ERROR***
> encountered object '2012-02-29T17:16:27', but neither
>       allow_blessed enabled nor TO_JSON method available on it at
>       /usr/local/share/perl/5.12.4/Catalyst/Action/Serialize/JSON.pm
>       line 39.
> And I realize I'm not serializing the timestamp appropriately (and how data with colons are bound to cause issues in JSON)...  but this simple thing is what I haven't been able to solve.
> Any guidance greatly appreciated.
> Thanks - 
> Steve
> P.S.  For penance I will create some documentation of the working example and check it in somewhere useful or host a living doc on one of my websites to help others.
> Steve Seremeth | Release Engineer
> steve.seremeth at dealer.com
> V : 877.327.8422 x 1391
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Francisco Obispo 
email: fobispo at isc.org
Phone: +1 650 423 1374 || INOC-DBA *3557* NOC

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