[Catalyst] Getting hashref instead of value
Kenneth S Mclane
ksmclane at us.ibm.com
Tue May 8 16:15:56 GMT 2012
Yes, in changing things back and forth I forgot about that. I got that
fixed and changed the relationship names. I have tried with "search" and
"search_rs" and still have the same result of getting the object instead
of the value. Can I use "get_column" in TT?
Alexander Hartmaier <alexander.hartmaier at t-systems.at>
<catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk>
05/08/2012 11:07 AM
Re: [Catalyst] Getting hashref instead of value
Am 2012-05-08 17:46, schrieb Kenneth S Mclane:
In checking through docs on line I find that prefetch is a better way to
go so I have changed ny sub thusly:
sub list :Local {
my ($self, $c, $page) = @_;
$page = $c->req->param('page') || 1;
my $rs = $c->model('ORANGES::Account')->search({}, {
prefetch => 'progress',
prefetch => 'compliance',
prefetch => 'department_id',
prefetch => 'metrics',
order_by => 'account_code',
rows => 15,
page => $page,
$c->stash(accounts => $rs);
$c->stash(pager => $rs->pager());
{} is a hashref in Perl. You're defining four values for the key
'prefetch', the last one overwrites the three previous ones.
As already noted you need to specify the prefetch value as arrayref in
your case:
prefetch => [qw( progress compliance department_id metrics )],
FYI: qw() does nothing but saving you to quote every element of the list.
It's equal to
prefetch => ['progress', 'compliance', 'department_id', 'metrics'],
Note that this is all basic Perl and nothing specific of Catalyst or
Frank Schwach <fs5 at sanger.ac.uk>
catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk
05/08/2012 10:36 AM
Re: [Catalyst] Getting hashref instead of value
not sure if this is a problem but you should also collapse your joins,
selects and as' into ArrayRefs, as in
join => [ qw( progress compliance department_id ...)]
actually the last one looks suspicious. the relationships should be
called something like "departments", not department_ids. If you have the
same naming for accounts then an account_id is the name (presumably) of
a field in accounts and also a relationship
On 08/05/12 16:25, Steve wrote:
> The 'account.account_id' referenced in your template I believe is being
> interpreted as an object. Try 'account.account_id.id' instead. I am
> presuming that your DBIC relationship is called 'account_id', and that
> is what you are referencing currently in your template.
> On 5/8/2012 11:13 AM, Kenneth S Mclane wrote:
>> I am having a problem with my code and I cannot figure out why it is
>> doing what it is doing. I have this sub:
>> sub list :Local {
>> my ($self, $c, $page) = @_;
>> $page = $c->req->param('page') || 1;
>> my $rs = $c->model('ORANGES::Account')->search({}, {
>> join => 'progress',
>> '+select' => ['progress.percent_complete'],
>> '+as' => ['progress.percent_complete'],
>> join => 'compliance',
>> '+select' => ['compliance.percent_compliant'],
>> '+as' => ['compliance.percent_compliant'],
>> join => 'department_id',
>> '+select' => ['department_id.department_id'],
>> '+as' => ['department_id.department_id'],
>> join => 'metrics',
>> '+select' => ['metrics.num_servers','metrics.num_subsystems'],
>> '+as' => ['metrics.num_servers','metrics.num_subsystems'],
>> order_by => 'account_code',
>> rows => 15,
>> page => $page,
>> });
>> $c->stash(accounts => $rs);
>> $c->stash(pager => $rs->pager());
>> $c->stash->{'template'}=>'accountview/list';
>> }
>> Which I have tried in several different ways to fix this problem, but
>> none have worked so far. In my template file all my fields come up
>> with the valyes expected, except, I am trying to use the account_id
>> field value as part of a uri to take the user to a details page for
>> the row. Where I am expecting a uri such as
>> ''
>> I instead get a uri like this:
>> This used to work when I was using a view as the basis for my list
>> When I run the page I can see in the sub-queries that it runs that it
>> has the "account_id" value as it uses it, but when I try to access it
>> in my template I get the hash ref. None of the other fields do this.
>> one of the sub queries using the account_id value:
>> SELECT me.account_id, me.account_code, me.percent_compliant FROM
>> HCDB_TEST.COMPLIANCE me WHERE ( me.account_id = ? ): '321'
>> My template that cretaes the uri:
>> <td><a href="[% c.uri_for('/accountdetails/detail/') %][%
>> account.account_id %]">[% account.account_code %]</a></td>
>> If someone could point me in the right direction, Ive been fighting
>> this for days.
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