[Catalyst] Authentication in a Many Database Scenario (again)
scott at simpzoid.com
scott at simpzoid.com
Tue May 15 19:11:29 GMT 2012
Dear All,
I'd like to offer users their own database (so that their own data is
separate from other users) but use the same MVC code for all the user
databases. Following some helpful advice from this forum I have found the
documentation for ACCEPT_CONTEXT but unfortunately I don't have the smarts
to understand the documentation, could someone please explain some things to
Essentially I reckon I want to change the __PACKAGE__->config in my model on
a per transaction basis. My current model looks like this
package EasyAC::Model::DB;
use strict;
use base 'Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema';
schema_class => 'EasyAC::Schema',
connect_info => {
dsn => 'dbi:mysql:easyac01',
user => 'me',
password => 'mypass',
AutoCommit => q{1},
The ACCEPT_CONTEXT documentation suggests:
Add a field to $c, like my_model_instance. Then write your ACCEPT_CONTEXT
method to look like this:
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
if ( my $per_request = $c->my_model_instance ) {
return $per_request;
} else {
my $new_instance = bless { %$self, c => $c }, ref($self);
Scalar::Util::weaken($new_instance->{c}); # or we have a circular
$c->my_model_instance( $new_instance );
return $new_instance;
Question 1: how do I add a field like my_model_instance and from which
component do I add it? I did try obvious things like $c->my_model_instance
= {}.
Question 2: How do I replace the static connect_info with the per request
info (I have dsn, user and password in the stash). I'm guessing that I put
the connect_info into the hashref which I pass to ACCEPT_CONTEXT (i.e. the
hashref which becomes $self) and that Catalyst just magically resolves all
my worries?
I've also looked at the documentation for
Catalyst::Component::InstancePerContext. Which I cannot understand either:
Question 3: when the InstancePerContext documentation says # ... do your
thing here , I take it this means that I create a hash with my connect info
and return MyApp::Model::DB->new(%args). Does this then replace the
connect_info in MyApp::Model::DB?
Question 4: Should I give up as none of the above are remotely correct and
I obviously lack the intelligence to use a sophisticated tool like Catalyst?
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