[Catalyst] Catalyst IIS7 Wiki Instructions

Alexander Hartmaier alexander.hartmaier at t-systems.at
Fri Nov 9 11:26:03 GMT 2012

On 2012-11-09 12:03, Craig Chant wrote:

Don't know if this is the correct usage of the mailing list so I apologise =
now if it isn't.

As a thank you to the Catalyst community for all the help and support I hav=
e thus far received and as I promised to T0m as well as to help out MST, I =
have updated the Catalyst IIS7 Wiki page.


Not only have I replaced all the missing screen shots with new ones but als=
o added additional information, made it more generic rather than 'Strawberr=
y' Perl centric plus added  sub categories with further configuration infor=

This will hopefully help others not struggle, as I did, when first setting =
up Catalyst on IIS7 Windows 2008 R2 environment and reduce the potential of=
 stupid questions being asked on the mailing list or IRC.

Should you find any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or feel it could be imp=
roved in some way, please feel free to let me know and I will make any appr=
opriate changes necessary.

I hope this helps the Catalyst community as well as others who wish to impl=
ement Catalyst over Windows / IIS7.
Thanks Craig!
I can't talk about its accuracy though because I don't have a Windows serve=
r here.

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