[Catalyst] Trapping added errors with the correct caller
Alexander Hartmaier
alexander.hartmaier at t-systems.at
Mon Oct 15 14:21:57 GMT 2012
I recommend to use a logging module like Log::Log4perl::Catalyst and do
all your app logging there.
My log package for NAC::Web:NAC looks like this:
package NAC::Web::NAC::Log;
use Moose;
use Catalyst::Log;
use namespace::autoclean;
BEGIN { extends 'Log::Log4perl::Catalyst'; }
=head1 NAME
NAC::Web::NAC::Log - Logger for NAC::Web::NAC
# import _dump method from Catalyst::Log
*_dump = \&Catalyst::Log::_dump;
My app uses it with:
=item finalize_config
Initializes the logger after the config file merging and loading is done.
sub finalize_config {
my $class = shift;
# Start the application
around 'prepare' => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
my $c = $self->$orig(@_);
Log::Log4perl::MDC->put( "username", $c->user->username )
if $c->user_exists;
return $c;
And this is how the app's prod config file looks like:
log4perl.logger "WARN, FILE, MAIL"
log4perl.appender.FILE.utf8 1
log4perl.appender.FILE.syswrite 1
log4perl.appender.FILE.layout.ConversionPattern "%d{yyyy-MM-dd
HH:mm:ss} %-5p %X{username} %m%n"
log4perl.appender.MAIL.Threshold ERROR
log4perl.appender.MAIL.from "nac at domain.com"
"app-errors at domain.com"
log4perl.appender.MAIL.subject "[NAC::Web::NAC]
log4perl.appender.MAIL.buffered 0
log4perl.appender.MAIL.layout "PatternLayout"
log4perl.appender.MAIL.layout.ConversionPattern "%d{yyyy-MM-dd
HH:mm:ss} %-5p %X{username} %m%n"
Best regards, Alex (abraxxa)
On 2012-10-11 14:38, Robert Rothenberg wrote:
> I would like to trap every error added to $c->error() and log it, noting the
> caller (filename, line number) in the logs.
> I've not gotten Catalyst::Plugin::ErrorCatcher to work, so I wrote my own
> plugin that overrides $c->error with the following method:
> use MRO::Compat;
> use namespace::autoclean;
> sub error {
> my ($c, @args) = @_;
> foreach my $arg (@args) {
> if ($arg) {
> $c->log->error($arg);
> }
> }
> return $c->next::method(@args);
> }
> But this only logs errors as coming from my plugin.
> Using Sub::Uplevel or fiddling with $Log::Dispatch::CallerDepth or
> $Catalyst::Plugin::Log::Dispatch::CallerDepth doesn't seem to work.
> I also tried writing the plugin as a Moose::Role that adds my trap before
> error, but then it claims to be from one of the internal Moose classes in my
> logs.
> I can manually get the caller using caller(0) and add them to the log
> messages, but that's a bit clumsy (and overrides log formats that don't
> include the information).
> So... what is the best practice for trapping errors in a way that preserves
> caller information?
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