[Catalyst] Unable to output anything in Root.pm -> 'auto'
Lukas Thiemeier
spamcatcher at thiemeier.net
Mon Oct 29 15:16:10 GMT 2012
Hi Craig,
Take a look at the default "index" method in Controller/Root.pm.
If you look at the debug output, you will see that "index" is called
after "auto". Index sets, and therefore overwrites $c->res->body.
If you use a template system, the default "end" action
(ActionClass:RenderView) will only render the template if $c->res->body
is not set. But setting the body directly, as in "index", will overwrite
any previously added content.
Uncomment the line '$c->response->body( $c->welcome_message );' in
'sub index ...', and you will see whatever you write to $c->res->body in
Cheers, Lukas
On 10/29/2012 04:04 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
> Oh I also tried changing it to ‘begin’ instead of ‘auto’, still doesn’t
> work?
> I also thought that all calls to ANY method / sub will always be passed
> $self & $c , only it doesn’t seem to be passing in $c and I’ve had to
> manually do it?
> I’ve tried…
> # always runs first!
> sub begin :Private {
> my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
> # Authenticate
> $self->AuthenticateUser($c);
> return 1;
> }
> sub AuthenticateUser {
> my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
> die 'Session ID = ' . $c->sessionid;
> }
> But there is no session ID.
> I am still getting the “Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.)
> or string” error.
> I’ve read
> http://search.cpan.org/~mramberg/Catalyst-Plugin-Session-0.14/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Session/Tutorial.pod
> Where it states : These plugins will automatically set
> |$c->sessionid|at the begining of the request, and automatically cause
> |$c->sessionid|to be saved by the client at the end of the request.
> So why is $c->sessionid uninitialized?
> Any ideas where my session info is?
> Thanks,
> Craig
> *From:*Craig Chant [mailto:craig at homeloanpartnership.com]
> *Sent:* 29 October 2012 14:54
> *To:* The elegant MVC web framework
> *Subject:* RE: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in Root.pm -> 'auto'
> Nope, no change; same warning in the devel output and all that happens
> is the welcome screen loads?
> *From:*Ben Vinnerd [mailto:ben+catalyst at vinnerd.com]
> <mailto:[mailto:ben+catalyst at vinnerd.com]>
> *Sent:* 29 October 2012 14:48
> *To:* The elegant MVC web framework
> *Subject:* Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in Root.pm -> 'auto'
> Private methods have to return a true value to continue processing.
> Try adding "return 1" at the end of the method.
> Ben
> On 29 October 2012 14:23, Craig Chant <craig at homeloanpartnership.com
> <mailto:craig at homeloanpartnership.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I seem to be going round in circles unable to get Catalyst to output
> anything via ‘auto’?
> I made a change to the Root.pm to try to add authentication via the
> ‘auto’ method, but it does nothing?
> # always runs first!
> sub auto :Private {
> my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
> # Authenticate
> $c->response->body('Matched Members::Controller::Auto in Root.' .
> $c->sessionid);
> }
> This doesn’t output anything and I simply get the welcome screen, plus
> there is a warning in the devel server output of
> “Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string”
> I have ..
> use Catalyst qw/
> -Debug
> ConfigLoader
> Static::Simple
> StackTrace
> Session
> Session::Store::FastMmap
> Session::State::Cookie
> /;
> In my main MyApp.pm
> Why is $c->response->body not working and why is the sessionid empty?
> Thanks
> */Craig Chant/*
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