[Catalyst] Unable to output anything in Root.pm -> 'auto'
Kieren Diment
diment at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 21:00:27 GMT 2012
On 30/10/2012, at 11:00 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
> "What was the reason for not using DBIC again?"
> The non-normalised DB with a missing schema and the fact the data is spread across two SQL servers on separate DSN's.
Be sure to use DBIx::Connector for connection management (https://metacpan.org/search?q=DBIx%3A%3AConnector), thus you get one of the compelling DBIC features but still get to use DBI.
> I also want my data in a way I can manipulate it, maybe you are all going to fall down in shock and horror, but I get my records and pass them back as an array of hashes (recordset), I then play with them , manipulate them, and do all sorts of stuff with them.
> ORM / DBIC doesn't seem to give you this type of access, it wants a DB schema with relationship mapping to dynamically create all the 1-many / many - many etc Models and relationships, which won't work with our system, from what I can tell.
> This is my SQL helper class.... (well two methods as an example)
> # Get SQL Routine
> sub getSQL {
> #_0 = Self
> #_1 = Table
> #_2 = Columns
> #_3 = Where
> #_4 = Order By
> my ($self,$table,$columns,$where,$order) = @_;
> # Build SQL Statement
> my $sel = "SELECT $columns FROM $table WHERE $where";
> # Check for ORDER BY
> if(defined $order){$sel .= " ORDER BY $order";}
> # Connect
> my $dbh = $self->dbh;
> # set long read because SQL requires it for ODBC
> $dbh->{LongReadLen} = 99999;
> # Run SQL Command
> my $sth = $db->prepare("$sel") || $self->sql_error("Error in getSQL (Web Server): $sel");
> $sth->execute();
> # Declare recordset array
> my @rs;
> # Loop SQL & build recordset
> while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
> # Build Array of Hashes with SQL Data
> $rs[@rs] = \%$ref;
> }
> # Return record set
> @rs;
> }
> # Count SQL Routine
> sub cntSQL {
> #_0 = Self
> #_1 = Table
> #_2 = Where
> my ($self,$table,$where) = @_;
> #Build SQL Statement
> my $sel = "SELECT COUNT(1) as COUNT FROM $table WHERE $where";
> # Connect
> my $dbh = $self->dbh;
> # Run SQL Command
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sel") || $self->sql_error("Error in getSQL (Web Server): $sel");
> $sth->execute();
> # Loop SQL Record Set
> while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
> # Build Array of Hashes with SQL Data
> $rs[@rs] = \%$ref;
> }
> # Return Count
> $rs[0]->{'COUNT'};
> }
> It's just before the return of the record set or count I was wondering if I need to add '$sth->finish();' or '$dbh->disconnect();' - which I have in my current (non-catalyst) app version of the class (module).
> I also believe that DBIC gets all columns from all tables, which I don't want, dunno, perhaps I'm missing something with DBIC, but I understand my data the way I retrieve it and didn't think there was anything wrong with using my SQL class, it has served me well for 10 years, and powers all my current apps.
> How would I use DBIC to get records from two separate DSN's and merge recordsets?
> In my concrete Catalyst::Model I have...
> # Check if system locked
> if($self->cntSQL('IsLock',"Locked='yes'")){
> $c->response->body('<p>Sorry, system is currently undergoing maintenance.</p><p>Please try again later.</p>' );
> return 1;
> }
> One thing I have found already is the app doesn't seem to see real time SQL updates even if I issue $sth->finish(); & $dbh->disconnect(); at the end of my method.
> I make a manual change to SQL (switch the 'Locked' flag between 'yes' & 'no') , refresh the app and it isn't registering the SQL change, so already it seems something is being cached somewhere and I need to stop this, my apps need to see DB changes instantly.
> Your advice is appreciated.
> Craig.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rob Brown [mailto:rob at intelcompute.com]
> Sent: 29 October 2012 22:30
> To: catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk
> Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in Root.pm -> 'auto'
> basically...
> $sth->finish if you've finished with the results of that statement, ie, you've looped through the rows and are now done.
> $dbh->disconnect if you've finished with the database connection, tho now you start to think about working in a persistent environment, where you may never disconnect from the database, and/or have some connection caching setup.
> This is where DBIx::Class just takes of all this for you - it does sound like you're re-inventing a lot here.
> What was the reason for not using DBIC again?
> On 10/29/2012 10:10 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
>> I finally got to grips with extending my own class with the inbuilt $c->dbh.
>> But am unsure whether I am mean to issue either...
>> $sth->finish();
>> or
>> $dbh->disconnect();
>> Once I have prepared / executed the SQL and fetched the records I want.
>> so a little further guidance is appreciated.
>> Craig
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Lukas Thiemeier [spamcatcher at thiemeier.net]
>> Sent: 29 October 2012 20:16
>> To: catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk
>> Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in Root.pm -> 'auto'
>> Hi Craig,
>> Using C::M::DBI is straight forward. Install it from cpan, and run
>> script/yourapp.pl create model DBI DBI dsn user password
>> where "dsn" is sth like "dbi:mysql:dbname", depending on your backend.
>> If it doesn't work you most likely have some typo in your dsn,
>> username or password.
>> When this doesn't work, what error is printed?
>> What was your input (except passwd, of course)?
>> Something like $c->dbh doesn't exist. The database handler belongs to
>> the model, and you can create Cat applications with several models, or
>> without any model at all. (Or with a model which is not a
>> database-model, or, or ...)
>> $c->model('DBI')->dbh does the trick.
>> The name "DBI" is required by C::A::Store::DBI, but besides this, any
>> model name is fine.
>> Alternatively, add a shortcut to your main App.pm:
>> sub dbh{ shift->model("DBI")->dbh }
>> Now, $c->dbh is available.
>> Session timeouts et cetera are configurable in the session plugin.
>> The session keeps track of when it was created, and when it was updated.
>> Setting extra fields (in the session or in the database), which are
>> not automatically set by the authentication plugin, can easily be done
>> by you, even if you use a authentication plugin. You can do this in
>> the "auto" action, for example.
>> I can only suggest you to search for existing modules, and use them
>> whenever possible. Thanks to Moose, extending a catalyst module is
>> easy in most cases. And it is much less work than writing everything
>> from scratch.
>> In my opinion, the biggest benefit of catalyst is (besides its great
>> backwards compatibility), that it is very modular, dozens of modules
>> exist, and most modules are extendable and reusable.
>> If you try to write all your code by yourself, you will not get happy.
>> Another suggestion: Maybe you should first forget about your real
>> applicationfor now, and just work through the catalyst tutorial. You
>> can finish it in some hours (depending on your perl- and web knowledge).
>> It will give you a great overview about how Catalyst works, what is
>> possible (almost everything) and what isn't possible (almost nothing)
>> :)
>> Or maybe you don't need a monster like catalyst? "Dancer" might be an
>> option.
>> Dancer is a perl MVC Framework, too. It is much smaller and simpler
>> than Catalyst, has less dependencies and less modules and (at least I
>> was told so) is easier to learn. It does not do as much for you as
>> catalyst does (in most cases, you have to write more code). But if you
>> have to reinvent the wheel again and again anyway, it might be a better choice.
>> Don't get me wrong. I don't suggest you to let catalyst go. Catalyst
>> rocks! But if most of the benefits are really not an option for you,
>> you should think about alternatives.
>> And finally: Don't make unpaid overtime: Go and get a beer! NOW!
>> Catalyst will be more fun tomorrow!
>> Ooops, I am writing this while making unpaid overtime. I will go and
>> get a beer :)
>> bye, Lukas
>> On 10/29/2012 08:25 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
>>> Hi Lukas,
>>> I tried to use C::Model::DBI , but I cannot get it to work?
>>> I've ended up refactoring my own SQL module from the exisitng app as
>>> OOP and then as an extension of Catayst::Model
>>> I then create my own Model which extends my SQL module and I've got it working.
>>> No matter what I tried , I couldn't find $c->dbh , I really seem to be struggling at the moment getting my head round Catalyst, but I am persevering!
>>> I was hoping to use the built in DBI functionality, as it is meant to
>>> keep database handles / connections open etc..but $c->dbh didn't
>>> exits in my Model when I created it via myapp_create.pl MODEL DBI
>>> I also appreciate there is a lot of stuff already written such as the authentication mechanism, but will that update my backend DB with the current location of the user?
>>> Does it have a mechanism to enable 'heartbeat' to keep idle sessions open?
>>> Will it keep up-to-date the date / time field so we can see at a glance the length of time a user has been logged on via our admin system?
>>> Or does it simply keep a state of whether the user is loged in or not?
>>> I also know that I should look at ORM and DBIC, but one thing at a time, Rome wasn't built in a day, and playing with Catalyst is simply something I want to do, not a requirement of my Job.
>>> I start a 10 month SQL course in January, where I'm sure I will learn about DB's in far more detail and can then consider ORM / DBIC.
>>> There is only so many hours in the day, then there are only so many I am paid to work and then there is only so much information I can absorb in one go!
>>> I'm already sitting here doing unpaid overtime, but I'm commited to getting Catalyst working, so don't mind putting in the extra hours, sounds sad I know, but I am enjoying it, even if I seem frustrated at times.
>>> Thank for all the input.
>>> Craig.
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: Lukas Thiemeier [spamcatcher at thiemeier.net]
>>> Sent: 29 October 2012 19:03
>>> To: catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk
>>> Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in Root.pm -> 'auto'
>>> Hi Craig,
>>> You are NOT wrong. Catalyst allows you to do so. I think it is the
>>> right choice.
>>> For C::A::Store::DBI - What you need is to provide the user_table,
>>> user_key and user_name, and the password_field and password_type for
>>> the credential part. I guess you have this, haven't you?
>>> All the "role" stuff is optional and only required if you want to use
>>> Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles (which you don't want if I got
>>> you right).
>>> I would suggest you to use as much existing code as possible, and
>>> only rewrite what you really need.
>>> In your case:
>>> Use C::A::Store::DBI for authentication and C::Model::DBI to access
>>> your database.
>>> If you do so, you only have to write your own authorization code
>>> (roles
>>> etc) and your CRUD stuff. You can access your db using DBI, without
>>> ORM or any assumptions to the db layout.
>>> If you can not use C::A::Store::DBI for any reasons, I would still
>>> recommend you to either write your own
>>> Catalyst::Authentication::Store and/or
>>> Catalyst::Authentication::Credential modules (I guess a Store-module
>>> will do the trick). You will not have to deal with user-sessions and
>>> related stuff. Just tell Catalyst how to authenticate the user, and let catalyst itself deal with the session.
>>> Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Internals tells you how to write
>>> your own store and credential modules. You will have to read the docs
>>> first, but I am sure that this is less work than writing ALL your
>>> authentication, session handling and authorization code by yourself.
>>> When it comes to reusability, Catalyst is unbeatable :)
>>> If you want or need to write your own authentication code in your
>>> controller classes, you should still use $c->session directly. Don't
>>> fiddle with the session id. Doing so is error-prone, and not required.
>>> You can do it like this:
>>> unless(defined $c->session->{user}){;
>>> my $user = your_auth_code(\%data);
>>> $c->session(user => $user);
>>> }
>>> You can later access it in any controller by saying:
>>> my $user = $c->session->{user}
>>> You can even make a shortcut in your App.pm:
>>> sub is_authenticated{ defined( shift->session->{user}) }
>>> And later check if the user is authenticated like this:
>>> if($c->is_authenticated){
>>> do_some_privileged_stuff();
>>> }
>>> You should consider using DBIx::Class anyway. It doesn't require
>>> normalized databases. Automated model generation might not work
>>> correctly, but in general you can use it on any database. DBIx::Class
>>> is well documented, easy to learn, and it makes database access
>>> simple and safe. Without ORM, you will most likely have to write 10
>>> times more database-code, and you will have to double check it to
>>> ensure that you are not vulnerable to sql injections.
>>> You are not forced to use DBIC relationships et cetera. You can just
>>> use it to update your tables, and only use the rels where you have
>>> them in your db layout.
>>> In my opinion, the reasons not to use DBIC are:
>>> 1: it takes some time to install, but you only have to do it once.
>>> 2: it slows down the startup time for your application, but unless
>>> you are using plain CGI, this doesn't really matter. (If you use
>>> plain-old-CGI, STOP doing so. Use FastCGI instead.)
>>> 3: It sometimes generates more SQL statements than it is required to
>>> fulfill a certain task, but this is only relevant if you are running
>>> a high performance, high traffic site. And IF this is the case, you
>>> can still optimize it.
>>> If you compare it to the benefits I described above, the benefits are
>>> dominant in most cases.
>>> I know that this is not the universal truth (which doesn't exist
>>> anyway). It is my personal opinion. Just think about it.
>>> Additionally: DBIC makes moving from one database system to another
>>> very very easy. You have a SQLite DB, and want to move to Portgresql?
>>> no problem. With DBIC, you are already done :)
>>> Ok. I hope I could help.
>>> Sorry for the DBIC-praising at the end. It is just that I first
>>> didn't want to use DBIC, too. And now I see how much easier my life
>>> is with DBIC, and I think I should have moved to DBIC earlier.
>>> Lukas
>>> On 10/29/2012 06:00 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
>>>> Hi Luka,
>>>> Perhaps I miss-read the info on
>>>> http://search.cpan.org/~janus/Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBI-0.01
>>>> /lib/Catalyst/Authentication/Store/DBI.pm
>>>> But from what I can see it expects you to map specific fields in a table as well as have a user role table with specific data mapping?
>>>> [quote] __PACKAGE__->config->{'authentication'} = {
>>>> 'default_realm' => 'default',
>>>> 'realms' => {
>>>> 'default' => {
>>>> 'credential' => {
>>>> 'class' => 'Password',
>>>> 'password_field' => 'password',
>>>> 'password_type' => 'hashed',
>>>> 'password_hash_type' => 'SHA-1',
>>>> },
>>>> 'store' => {
>>>> 'class' => 'DBI',
>>>> 'user_table' => 'login',
>>>> 'user_key' => 'id',
>>>> 'user_name' => 'name',
>>>> 'role_table' => 'authority',
>>>> 'role_key' => 'id',
>>>> 'role_name' => 'name',
>>>> 'user_role_table' => 'competence',
>>>> 'user_role_user_key' => 'login',
>>>> 'user_role_role_key' => 'authority',
>>>> },
>>>> },
>>>> },
>>>> };[/quote]
>>>> Have I read the above incorrectly?
>>>> I have a non-normalised DB , with an application that functions in a particular way, I deal with user roles and other such stuff in my own way and I cannot refactor to use catalyst without ensuring all sections of the system function the same along with the back end admin system, I can't rewrite both parts at the same time, this is a live app in production that works currently, I'm simply trying to learn Catalyst& MVC cuteness, not start from scratch.
>>>>> From what I can see using any of those authentication modules expects certain data I don't have or use nor want.
>>>> Please correct me if I'm reading the CPAN documentation incorrectly.
>>>> I want to refactor my app to be MVC using Catalyst without being forced to do any other than MVC cuteness and work the way I want to with the a database that already exists, I got the feeling Catalyst allows this unlike ROR or other MVC frameworks.
>>>> Again, have I got this wrong?
>>>> If to use Catalyst I have to have a normalised DB, use specific modules with data in a particular format, then I will just refactor our systems myself using my own modules and such, best to find this out now before I spend any more time on something that isn't suitable.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Craig.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Lukas Thiemeier [mailto:spamcatcher at thiemeier.net]
>>>> Sent: 29 October 2012 16:42
>>>> To: catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk
>>>> Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in Root.pm -> 'auto'
>>>> Hey Craig,
>>>> I got it. You want to store your credentials in a database, but you don't want to use DBIx::Class?
>>>> What about Catalyst::Authentication::Storage::DBI?
>>>> If this doesn't help, you might me right. Maybe you have to write your own authentication module. In that case, consider making it a Catalyst::Authentication::Store module, and publish it on cpan. It might be useful for others, too...
>>>> By the way: Catalyst::Model::DBI is a ORM-less, raw DBI model for catalyst. So "... whenever I look at how it implements anything to do with DB access, it forces ORM upon you ..." is not correct. There are very few things which are really forced by catalyst. Using DBIx::Class is just considered "good practice". A lot of people use it, thats why it is used in most tutorials and examples.
>>>> Lukas
>>>> On 10/29/2012 05:09 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
>>>>> Yes, but I need to keep a backed DB up-to-date with current logins, where in the system they are etc...
>>>>> So local server disk won't help in this situation.
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Denny [mailto:2012 at denny.me]
>>>>> Sent: 29 October 2012 15:50
>>>>> To: The elegant MVC web framework
>>>>> Subject: RE: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in Root.pm -> 'auto'
>>>>> On Mon, 2012-10-29 at 15:43 +0000, Craig Chant wrote:
>>>>>> "By the way, what do you need the session-id for? Catalyst handles sessions in a transparent way"
>>>>>> To authenticate users, I don't want to store authentication in the hash and it seems the only other way to do this is via ORM, which I don't want to use either.
>>>>>> I find catalyst whenever I look at how it implements anything to do with DB access, it forces ORM upon you, so I need to write my own authentication code don't I ?
>>>>> I'm pretty sure the default storage for session stuff is disk-based.
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