[Catalyst] Catalyst:According the book<Catalyst 5.8 the perl MVC framework> , the third chapter application is wrong

Matthias Zeichmann matthias.zeichmann at gmail.com
Sat Sep 15 10:36:45 GMT 2012

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 10:49 AM, 疾驰者 <78778487 at qq.com> wrote:
>     4.  create a sqlite3 database; the database have two tables : people and
> addresses. The database's directory is ~/addressbook/tmp/
>     5.  $ perl script/addressbook_create.pl model AddressDB DBIC::Schema
> AddressBook::Schema::AddressDB create=static dbi:SQLite:database

if you created the database at ~/addressbook/tmp/database you need to
pass that path to the command at step 5, like
# perl script/addressbook_create.pl model AddressDB DBIC::Schema
AddressBook::Schema::AddressDB create=static

else i would just put the database in the application directory and
run step 5 like in your original message

cheers m
siggen.pl: Segmentation Fault

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