[Catalyst] More detailed proposal for changes related
to content negotiation and REST
John Napiorkowski
jjn1056 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 13 18:55:15 GMT 2013
> On Tuesday, August 13, 2013 12:42 PM, Alexander Hartmaier <alexander.hartmaier at t-systems.at> wrote:
> > On 2013-08-13 17:37, John Napiorkowski wrote:
>> Craig,
>> Great points and thanks for the code example (I wish more stuff like this
> was floating around in Catalyst oriented blogs, etc.)
>> Just stepping back a bit, the purpose of the research spike was to see
> what, if any, features could be incorporated into Catalyst core to improve and
> streamline how we work with some of the contemporary use cases around AJAX and
> REST. Its very possible that the answer to that is no, there's nothing that
> belongs in Catalyst core around this. I think the reason for the research is
> that a lot of modern web frameworks do provide such support out of the box, and
> the fact that Catalyst doesn't have it at first might seem like a deficiency
> in the framework. Other reasons for baking this into core might come to mind
> (and have various levels of validity)
>> -- having a common approach could result in the benefits of DRY (better,
> more secure code, less stuff for newbies to figure out)
>> -- For the common cases it would help people new to a project (instead of
> having to figure out how this project handles AJAX, or the five different ways
> its handled, for example).
>> -- a common, core approach might help focus the community a bit by removing
> a common use case that has no clearly agreed upon approach.
>> I'm personally not in love with the 'gigantic core' approach,
> but since Catalyst already incorporates support for classic form parameters it
> does I think make sense (for at least the 5.9xxxx series) for us to support
> common AJAX use cases. And I do think some of the things people would like to
> do with REST, such as match actions based on content negotiation are valid.
>> The main issue that I see is that we have too many ways to do exactly the
> same thing (return JSON for AJAX endpoints) and no clear reason why any of them
> are better for a given purpose. Additionally, some of them are a bit verbose,
> and Catalyst already has reputation for being the long way to do simple things.
> I fully agree with you on those points!
>> However it does seem to me after we've all talked about it quite a bit
> that at this point there really doesn't seem to be a really exciting
> approach that would be useful (talking about a common way to handle the
> serialize / format stuff, like allowing res->body to take a ref and convert
> it to JSON or XML, etc.) At least in terms of something that belongs in
> Catalyst core. Why not lets pull that part out of the spec and make it a
> separate research project, and for now continue to let the community play with
> various approaches. I think there appears to be less controversy on the request
> side, in terms of building in alternative content parsing, and possibly a first
> go at subroutine attribute content type negotiation.
> Until now res->body was populated by the View, not the controller
> directly, besides some exception cases like streaming files from disk.
I've gone both ways on this a lot and there is some acceptance when the view is going to be very simple (such as json encoding of a perl data reference) that letting the controller take on some view aspects is allow. It is how prior art (Catalyst::Action::REST, and the DBIC API controller work). Finding the sweet spot for easy and useful is what I'd aim at, and not yet finding :)
>> Any thoughts on the request side of the proposal?
> The request param parsing seems to be decoupled from the response
> completely at the moment as I see no problem in starting with adding
> support for different request content-types first, then look at the
> response side and how those two can be coupled.
Yeah, that side of things is pretty straight up, and even hacking into HTTP::Body is easy, if we wanted to go that way.
> In RFC2616 [1] content negotiation includes not only content-type but
> also language and encoding. We already cored the encoding handling which
> is a step into the right direction.
Right, although most of the services I work with tend to focus on the content type a lot, and generally we use the language stuff for translations inside the templates, rather than run different actions, although that would certainly be valid.
> If for example the API of an application is only capable of providing
> data in English but the website should be I18N aware that is something
> the dispatcher has to be able to handle.
Yup, I've given this a lot of thought and figure its something that should be part of one of the catalyst l18N systems, at least for now. I can see some use for dispatch on language accept, just not as much as for encoding and content types.
> I've never seen agent-driven negotiation as described in the RFC section
> 12.2 on the web so I'd let that out of scope for now.
Yeah, and actually I think Catalyst could do this, just it would be a manual thing instead of reflection driven.
> Transparent negotiation (section 12.3) sounds like something a Plack
> middleware might be best suited for.
> What do you think about test-driven development for this changes? Lets
> write test cases how we want Catalyst to act before starting to think
> how to implement it?
Funny you should bring it up, since I've been looking at the Catalyst test suite a lot and thinking 'how much of this is still valid"... TDD or BDD in theory sharpen the tests against the specs or rules you want, rather than tests for tests sake. Its been a bit hard to modify the current test cases, so I tend to build stand alone use cases and toss them out on github. its how I did the work for the event/websockets support we did last release.
When I did the plack middleware stuff I just ported an application I had that tested that and shoved it into the main repo.
I did a github sketch of part of this, its over here : https://github.com/jjn1056/CatalystX-Example-Todo/blob/master/lib/CatalystX/Example/Todo/Web/Controller/API.pm
There's some crazy stuff there though... particularly the method signature dependency injection stuff, which is a pet project of mine but I think scares people a bit :)
^^ was part of some prototyping I did to try and help me guess how hard some stuff might be.
>> Thanks everyone for joining in!
>> John
> --
> Alex (abraxxa)
> [1] http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#page-71
>>> On Tuesday, August 13, 2013 4:16 AM, Craig Chant
> <craig at homeloanpartnership.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi John / Alex
>>> Am I missing something here?
>>> In my model I create and return the JSON...
>>> use JSON qw(encode_json);
>>> my %json_hash ;
>>> ... add some hash stuff to be made into JSON ...
>>> # return JSON
>>> return encode_json \%json_hash
>>> ----------------------------------
>>> In my controller I output it to the view / browser
>>> $c->response->body(
>>> $c->model('My::Model')->my_method_JSON );
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> With an AJAX call I retrieve the JSON
>>> //////////////////////////////////
>>> /////////////////////////////////
>>> var myJSON;
>>> function myAJAXFunction()
>>> {
>>> // call AJAX
>>> makeRequest('/my_controller/my_method_JSON
> ','',set_JSON);
>>> }
>>> function setJSON(json)
>>> {
>>> // store JSON returned from AJAX call
>>> myJSON = $.parseJSON(json);
>>> }
>>> --------------------------------------------
>>> This is working fine, what shift in paradigm are you trying to create
> and how
>>> would it affect / alter what I currently do, or indeed make it any
> easier /
>>> simpler, I can't see it getting much simpler than the few lines of
> code I
>>> already have, can it?
>>> Or am I doing something wrong?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Craig Chant.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: John Napiorkowski [mailto:jjn1056 at yahoo.com]
>>> Sent: 12 August 2013 21:27
>>> To: The elegant MVC web framework
>>> Subject: Re: [Catalyst] More detailed proposal for changes related to
> content
>>> negotiation and REST
>>>> On Monday, August 12, 2013 2:33 PM, Alexander Hartmaier
>>> <alexander.hartmaier at t-systems.at> wrote:
>>>> > On 2013-08-12 16:58, John Napiorkowski wrote:
>>>>> Hey Bill (and the rest of you lurkers!)
>>>>> I just updated the spec over at
> https://github.com/perl-catalyst/CatalystX-Proposals-REStandContentNeg
>>>> otiation/blob/master/README.pod
>>>>> I decided to remove regular expression matching from the body
> parser
>>>>> stuff,
>>>> which I think resolves the merging questions (since now there will
> not
>>>> be a possibility that more that one can match the request). I
> think
>>>> we can add this back eventually using some standard request
> content
>>>> negotiation, using mime type patterns and quality settings, so
> that we
>>>> can have some rules that dictate what is the best match, rather
> than try to
>>> invent our own. For example:
> https://metacpan.org/module/HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::ContentNegotia
>>>>> tion
>>>>> The idea would be to not reinvent. I think we could instead
> of
>>>>> doing an
>>>> equality match here we just use something like this to figure out
> what
>>>> the best match is works pretty well. Thoughts?
>>>>> jnap
>>>> Hi John,
>>>> I thought about it for the last few days and wonder why the, lets
> call
>>>> it rendering, of the data isn't left to the view as defined by
> the MVC
>>>> pattern?
>>>> I'd expect that a different view is used depending on the
> negotiated
>>>> content-type.
>>>> How do other MVC frameworks choose the view to use?
>>>> Should a single action be able to limit the output format or is
>>>> controller level granular enough?
>>>> Best regards, Alex
>>> Alex,
>>> I think you put your finger on one of the major uneasiness I (and
> others) have
>>> around the idea of having in the global application model all these
> registered
>>> formatters. Yes, in theory it feels like we are cheating on the View
> side of
>>> MVC. I have personally always thought that Catalyst doesn't
> exactly get it
>>> right the way it is (I think C and V are actually a little too detached
> for one
>>> thing) and that leads to odd code sometimes. The commonly used
>>> Catalyst::Action::Renderview is a bit too detached for my taste. And
> what we
>>> call a View tends to mostly just be a View handler (or factory I
> guess). On the
>>> other hand the basic idea of separation of concerns is sound.
>>> I think the main thing is that this is not intended to replace view,
> but for the
>>> simple cases where people just want to quickly serialize data (like for
> all
>>> those ajax endpoints you need to do nowadays, not full on RESTful APIs
> but quick
>>> and dirty communication between the back and front end. Maybe
> that's not a
>>> great thing for Catalyst (and honestly I put this out there in the
> hopes of
>>> provocation some strong reactions.
>>> Personally I prefer to use templates even for creating JSON output, I
> think you
>>> get cleaner separation that is easier to maintain over time (I really
> don't
>>> like when I see something like ->body (json_encode
>>> $sql->run->get_all_rows). That feels fragile to me. On the
> other hand I
>>> see the attraction of some of the more lightweight web frameworks where
> they
>>> make it easy to just spew out JSON.
>>> This is partly why I sketched out an action/controller level
> alternative, with
>>> the proposed response->body_format thing and the proposed new action
>>> subroutine attributes (just to recap)
>>> sub myaction :Local {
>>> My ($self, $c) = @_;
>>> # ...
>>> # ...
>>> $c->response->format(
>>> 'application/json' => sub { json_encode $stuff },
>>> # ...
>>> # ...
>>> );
>>> }
>>> I think this approach feels similar to how some other frameworks
> operate. Some
>>> offer more sugary syntax for the common stuff, perhaps
>>> $c->response
>>> ->json( sub { ... } )
>>> ->html ( sub { ... } ).
>>> -> ...
>>> -> ... ;
>>> and I guess we could say there's a shortcut to forward to a View
> instead
>>> $c->response
>>> ->json("JSON")
>>> ->html ("TTHTML").
>>> -> ...
>>> -> ... ;
>>> But that can all be worked out after the basic thought is in place.
>>> and again, some other frameworks (some java system) they use
> annotations similar
>>> to our action level subroutine attributes. I think we also try to hit
> that with
>>> the proposed "Provides/Consumes" attributes. The main thing
> is I
>>> can't see a way to properly do content negotiatin with ssubroutine
>>> attributes given the exiting catalyst dispatcher (basically the system
> is mostly
>>> a first match win)
>>> Perhaps that is all we need, and we can skip idea of needing default
> global body
>>> formatters? Or maybe we'd prefer to think about leveraging more of
>>> Web::Dispatch, and mst has this great notion of setting response
> filters, which
>>> we could get for free if we use web-dispatch. Instead of setting a
> global point
>>> for the encoding, we could control is more granularly that way.
>>> I guess ultimately it comes down to a question over do we need a full
> on view
>>> for handling REST and straight up data encoding. Personally I do think
> there is
>>> a use case here that Catalyst isn't hitting right, and I am pretty
> sure some
>>> of the ideas in the stand alone Catalyst-Action-REST do apply but
> I'd like
>>> to see that more native and probably scoped more tightly (I don't
> think we
>>> need or should have the full CAR in core, but I do think we should ask
>>> ourselves.
>>> I guess its a bit tough to look at other frameworks since one thing
> about
>>> Catalyst is that our idea of a Controller isn't so central as in
> other
>>> frameworks, since with action chaining all the fun happens in the
> action
>>> really. ALthough chaining is powerful it does lead to some confusions
> in terms
>>> of how to lay out the applications and so forth.
>>> I have some thoughts about that, but its really aimed at the future.
>>> I guess we could just drop the global format stuff, given the questions
> and
>>> controversies. I'd love to find a way that doesn't suck for
> people to
>>> be able to do JSON response in Catalyst without a lot of boilerplate,
> but maybe
>>> Catalyst isn't aimed to cater to that... The Catalyst::View::JSON
> is not too
>>> bad, just has some docs that need updating I think.
>>> More thoughts and comments?
>>>>>> On Friday, August 9, 2013 5:38 PM, John Napiorkowski
>>>> <jjn1056 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Friday, August 9, 2013 4:52 PM, Bill Moseley
>>>> <moseley at hank.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 12:11 PM, John Napiorkowski
>>>> <jjn1056 at yahoo.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> What's the use case you have in mind? Something like
> first
>>> check
>>>> for
>>>>>> something like
> 'application/vnd.mycompany.user+json' and
>>> then
>>>> fall back
>>>>>> to 'application/(?:vmd.*+)?json' if you don't
> find
>>> it? Is
>>>> that an
>>>>>> actual case you've come across?
>>>>>>> Ya, that's kind of what I was thinking. Or also
> having a
>>>> final
>>>>>> fallback parser that tries to figure out the type by
> other means
>>>>>> than
>>>> just
>>>>>> looking at the Content type provided in the request. Or
> even a
>>>> '.'
>>>>>> final match-anything that does some special logging.
>>>>>>> It would be easy enough to find out if
> application/json was in
>>> the
>>>> array
>>>>>> more than once by mistake.
>>>>>> Seems like a reasonable use case then, although I would
> encourage
>>>> future
>>>>>> development to aim at putting more specificity in the
> controller,
>>>> rather than
>>>>>> rely on the global application. The primary reason to
> have
>>>>>> anything
>>>> here at all
>>>>>> is to have a base people can build on. I do fear the
> globalness
>>> of
>>>>>> it,
>>>> but it
>>>>>> seems not an unreasonable compromise based on how
> Catalyst
>>> actually
>>>> works today.
>>>>>>>> We've spoken before about the parsing larger
> incoming
>>> and
>>>> chunked
>>>>>> data thing before. I would love to address this, but
> right now it
>>>> seems like
>>>>>> something we need better agreement on in the psgi level.
> For
>>>>>> example,
>>>> since
>>>>>> star man already buffers incoming input, it feels silly
> to me to
>>>>>> have
>>>> catalyst
>>>>>> then try to re-stream that. You've already paid the
> full
>>> price of
>>>> buffering
>>>>>> in terms of memory, and performance right? Or am I not
>>> understanding?
>>>>>>> I added a Plack middleware to handle chunked encoded
> requests
>>> -- I
>>>> needed it
>>>>>> for the Catalyst dev server and for Apache/mod_perl.
> Yes,
>>> Starman
>>>> already
>>>>>> de-chunks and buffers and works perfectly.
>>>>>>> Apache actually de-chunks the request, but
> doesn't update
>>> the
>>>>>> Content-Length header and leaves on the
> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>>>> header. So,
>>>>>> sadly, I do flush this to a temporary file only to get
> the
>>>> content-length to
>>>>>> make Catalyst happy.
>>>>>> Right, so I think in the end we all agreed it was psgi
> that should
>>>>>> be responsible for dealing with chunks or whatever (based
> on the
>>>>>> http
>>>> level support
>>>>>> of the server). The only think would be could there be
> some sane
>>>> approach that
>>>>>> exposed the input stream as a non blockable file handle
> that has
>>>>>> not
>>>> already
>>>>>> been read into a buffer (memory or otherwise). I do see
> the
>>>>>> possible
>>>> advantage
>>>>>> there for processing efficiently large POST or PUT.
> However again
>>>>>> this
>>>> needs to
>>>>>> be done at the PSGI level, something like input.stream or
> similar.
>>>> That would
>>>>>> smooth over chucked versus non chunked and expose a
> readable
>>> stream
>>>>>> of
>>>> the input
>>>>>> that has not yet been buffered.
>>>>>>> I'd really like to have something at the Catalyst
> level
>>> that
>>>> sanely
>>>>>> acheives this end, but I think part of the price we paid
> when
>>> going
>>>>>> to
>>>> PSGi at
>>>>>> the core, is that most of the popular plack handlers are
> pre
>>>>>> loading
>>>> and
>>>>>> buffering input, even large request input. This seems to
> be an
>>>>>> area
>>>> where it
>>>>>> might behoove us to work with the psgi group to find
> something
>>>>>> stable.
>>>> Even the
>>>>>> optional psgix.io isn't always going to work out,
> since some
>>> people
>>>>>> don't want to support that in the handler (its a
> somewhat vague
>>>> definition I
>>>>>> guess and makes people uncomfortable).
>>>>>>>> Until them, or until someone helps me understand
> that my
>>>> thinking is
>>>>>> totally wrong on this score, it seems the best thing to
> do is to
>>>>>> put
>>>> this out of
>>>>>> scope for now. That way we can move on supporting a
> goodly number
>>>>>> of
>>>> real use
>>>>>> cases.
>>>>>>> Agreed.
>>>>>>>> I intended to say that $_ equals a string that is
> the
>>> buffered
>>>> request
>>>>>> body. This way we can reserve other args for handling
> the future
>>>> streaming
>>>>>> case. I was actually pondering something were the sub
> ref returns
>>>>>> a
>>>> sub ref
>>>>>> that gets called over and over to do the parse.
>>>>>>> I just don't want file uploads in memory. (Oh,
> I have
>>> another
>>>> post
>>>>>> coming on that -- thanks for the reminder.) Well,
> Catalyst
>>> doesn't
>>>>>> but I think Starman might depending on the
>>>> size of
>>>>>> the incoming. However I think you can override that with
> a monkey
>>>> patch.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> I not quite sure about $c->res->body(
> \%data );
>>> I
>>>> think body
>>>>>> should be the raw body. What does $c->res->body
> return?
>>> The
>>>> serialized
>>>>>> json? The original hashref?
>>>>>>>> I'm not sure I like it either. I would say
> body
>>> returns
>>>> whatever
>>>>>> you set it to, until the point were encoding happens. It
> does
>>> feel
>>>>>> a
>>>> bit flaky,
>>>>>> but I can't actually put my finger on a real code
> smell here.
>>>>>>>> Any other suggestions? This is certainly a part
> of the
>>>> proposal that is
>>>>>> going to raise doubt, but I can't think of something
> better,
>>> or
>>>> assemble
>>>>>> problematic use cases in my head over it either.
>>>>>>> I don't really mind adding to
>>> $c->stash->{rest}.
>>>> It's
>>>>>> kind of a staging area to put data until it's ready
> to be
>>> encoded
>>>> into the
>>>>>> body. I might get it partially loaded with data and
> then never
>>>>>> use it
>>>> and
>>>>>> return some other body. Noting precludes that, of
> course. Ya,
>>>>>> tough
>>>> one.
>>>>>> Well, I definitely don't want to stick this in the
> stash, you
>>> all
>>>> will have
>>>>>> to tie me down to get that past! Given that body already
> allows a
>>>>>> file
>>>> handle,
>>>>>> I thought adding into that would be the most simple
> thing, but
>>> lets
>>>> give it more
>>>>>> thought and maybe some other minds will come up with
> better ideas.
>>>> I'll
>>>>>> bounce it off t0m and mst as well.
>>>>>>>>> If a parser dies what kind of exception is
> thrown?
>>> You
>>>> say they
>>>>>> would not set any response status, but wouldn't we
> want to
>>> catch
>>>> the error
>>>>>> and then set a 400? (I use exception objects that carry
> http
>>>>>> status, a
>>>> message
>>>>>> to return in the body and a message used for logging at a
> given
>>>>>> level.)
>>>>>>>> How people do exceptions in Perl tends to be
> nearly
>>> religious,
>>>> and I
>>>>>> didn't want to hold this up based on figuring that
> stuff out
>>> :) I
>>>> was
>>>>>> thinking to just raise an exception and let the existing
> Catalyst
>>>>>> stuff
>>>> do its
>>>>>> thing. I'm just thinking not to add anything special
> for this
>>> type
>>>> of
>>>>>> error, but just do the existing behavior, for better or
> worse.
>>>>>>> Agreed. If I were to write everything from scratch
> again
>>> I'd
>>>> be doing
>>>>>> $c->throw_not_found or $c->throw_forbidden with
> exception
>>> objects
>>>> as the
>>>>>> code ends up much cleaner and sane. But, everyone has
> their own
>>>> approaches.
>>>>>> One thing is to have the response->from_psgi thing
> which would
>>> make
>>>> ti easy
>>>>>> to graft in something like
>>>>>> https://metacpan.org/module/HTTP::Throwable
>>>>>> sub myaction :Local {
>>>>>> my ($self, $c) = @_;
>>>>>> $c->res->from_psgi( http_throw({
>>>>>> status_code => 500,
>>>>>> reason => 'Internal Server Error',
>>>>>> message => 'Something has gone very
> wrong!'
>>>>>> }))
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> somthing along those lines I think.
>>>>>>> since request->body_data is intended to be lazy,
> we
>>> won't
>>>> run that
>>>>>> parse code until you ask for the data. We don't need
> to parse
>>> the
>>>> data to
>>>>>> do the basic match here, this is just based on the HTTP
> meta data,
>>>>>> no
>>>> the actual
>>>>>> content. I think for common cases this is fine (I
> realize that
>>> yet
>>>> again this
>>>>>> might not be the best approach for multipart uploads...)
>>>>>>> Another tough one. Just seems like PUT /user
> should accept
>>> the
>>>> same data
>>>>>> regardless of how it is serialized. And GET /user would
> get the
>>>>>> user
>>>> data and
>>>>>> then serialize that to JSON or whatever but it's the
> same
>>> data.
>>>>>>> But, maybe you have a point. I would worry that
> someone
>>> assumes
>>>> JSON and
>>>>>> adds that content type match and then wonder why later
> it's
>>> not
>>>> working for
>>>>>> other request serializations.
>>>>>> well strikely speaking restful content negotiation should
> tell the
>>>> client what
>>>>>> can and can't be accepted, for other purposes we have
> docs. I
>>>> think its
>>>>>> safe for the first go to just support json since for one
> of the
>>>>>> main
>>>> use cases,
>>>>>> making it easy for people building websites with some
> ajax forms,
>>>>>> that
>>>> is all
>>>>>> you need. For more hard core REST I could easily see
> returning
>>>>>> data
>>>> very
>>>>>> differently based on what is asked. Like an endoint
> could serve
>>> an
>>>> image if you
>>>>>> ask for png, but metadata on the image if you ask for
> json.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Bill Moseley
>>>>>>> moseley at hank.org
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> Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk/
> Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/
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