[Catalyst] Catalyst starter template
Kieren Diment
diment at gmail.com
Tue Aug 20 11:00:03 GMT 2013
I agree, if perl isn't good for mangling text then what is?
The Catalsyt Devel code should be in a reasonable state for a volunteer to take it on should the itch need to be scratched badly enough.
On 20/08/2013, at 8:45 PM, Ynon Perek wrote:
> Hi John and All,
> I like the templates idea - however I think chef is an overkill (not everyone using catalyst know chef, and there's already a learning curve. Adding a new technology may only make things harder on new users).
> IMHO the best option would be to have several project templates on github, and a user can just git clone a starter.
> Problem here is the application name needs to be modified in the process (which really appears everywhere).
> If we can work around that anyone will be able to write their own template
> --
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> On Monday, August 19, 2013 at 15:43, John Napiorkowski wrote:
>> Ynon,
>> Yeah, the skeleton builder is showing its age a bit. I personally never use it, but I see the need for something like this.
>> I've come to the conclusion that 'one starter to rule them all' isn't going to be very forward looking no matter what it looks like. I was pondering something were people could easily make templates and skel on say github and people could point some sort of cmd line tool at it and just use their favorite authors way of doing it. That way people could fork their favorite and tweak it a bit. We could even have a repo on github with a list of all the know templates that the commandline tools would read and make it straight up to generate a new project.
>> On the other hand... maybe its silly to reinvent the wheel here. Isn't this just what Chef and Puppet do? Maybe we should just use that instead? I personally have no issue using Python or Ruby for something as simple as a project builder, and it would solve some issues. We'd even be able to make chef scripts to do stuff like set up common tables and all that (how many user/role tables have you made).
>> Of course Puppet/Chef might seem like terrible overkill as well. Again, It would be nice to have a way for people to be able to easily create basic project templates and a little more, like setup mysql, etc.
>> Thoughts?
>> John
>>> From: Ynon Perek <ynonperek at gmail.com (mailto:ynonperek at gmail.com)>
>>> To: catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk (mailto:catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk)
>>> Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2013 3:21 PM
>>> Subject: [Catalyst] Catalyst starter template
>>> Hi All,
>>> After working with catalyst for some time, I found catalyst.pl (http://catalyst.pl) too minimalistic for my needs.
>>> So I created a small script called ctstarter.pl (http://ctstarter.pl) that adds some features to the base template you get for a new project. Currently it adds:
>>> 1. A starter DB and migrations (using DBIx::Class::Migration)
>>> 2. Code and DB tables for managing users and roles (using CatalystX::SimpleLogin)
>>> 3. A Twitter Bootstrap web view with templates (using Catalyst::Helper::View::Bootstrap)
>>> 4. Two helper scripts: one to upgrade the DB and the other to reset admin password.
>>> You can find the source and usage instructions here:
>>> https://github.com/ynonp/ctstarter.pl
>>> Any feedbacks is appreciated.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ynon
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