[Catalyst] Catalyst starter template
John Napiorkowski
jjn1056 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 20 19:28:14 GMT 2013
> From: "Gianrossi, Paolo" <paolino.gianrossi at gmail.com>
>To: The elegant MVC web framework <catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk>
>Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 7:37 AM
>Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst starter template
>Isn't this something along the lines of https://github.com/RailsApps/rails-composer/ for RoR?
Yes, I was thinking something like that. There's be an app on CPAN, something pure Perl to make it trivial to install.
cpanm CatalystX::App::ProjectBuilder
and then that would install a commandline app that took a configuration file of key values and either a url or name of an installed CPAN distribution with the templates
cat myconfig | catalyzer http://github.com/path_to_something
where myconfig would just be a hash ref
name => ...
and the url would be a repo with templates, probably using something lighter than template toolkit
You'd need to be able to specify some values via the commandline I guess
cat myconfig | catalyzer --namespace MyApp::Web --template http://github.com/path_to_something
that would probably work well for just being a project directory and file builder. It would do some of the stuff that puppet or chef does, like install mysql, and all that. These are probably overlapping concerns, and I think having something like ^^ would be pretty easy to do and also I think really, REALLY helpful to people using Catalyst.
I know if such a think existed I'd put some templates on github pretty quick.
If someone wants to take this on, I'd be happy to assist.
>On 17 Aug 2013, at 20:21, Ynon Perek <ynonperek at gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi All,
>>After working with catalyst for some time, I found catalyst.pl too minimalistic for my needs.
>>So I created a small script called ctstarter.pl that adds some features to the base template you get for a new project. Currently it adds:
>>1. A starter DB and migrations (using DBIx::Class::Migration)
>>2. Code and DB tables for managing users and roles (using CatalystX::SimpleLogin)
>>3. A Twitter Bootstrap web view with templates (using Catalyst::Helper::View::Bootstrap)
>>4. Two helper scripts: one to upgrade the DB and the other to reset admin password.
>>You can find the source and usage instructions here:
>>Any feedbacks is appreciated.
>> Ynon
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