[Catalyst] Setting file handle as the response body generates
neil at mylunn.id.au
Wed Nov 20 12:08:57 GMT 2013
On 20/11/2013 3:01 PM, Bill Moseley wrote:
> I just updated:
> $ perl -MCatalyst -le 'print Catalyst->VERSION'
> 5.90051
> I can debug more in the morning -- anything specific I should look at?
I think the stat operators have this problem on any type of in memory =
filehandle. That is pretty easy to reproduce.
To me anyhow this wouldn't seem to make much sense to me to test the =
length of a yet uncompressed filehandle, even if it did just work somehow.
For my money I would do the following:
my $body =3D IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new( \$gzipped_data); #Assuming scalar
my $length =3D $body->getHeaderInfo->{ISIZE};
$c->res->content_length( $length );
$c->res->body( $body );
So basically getting the length of the uncompressed data from the handle =
by the object method. So now Catalyst won't try to set the size because =
you already have. Oh, and the content type and well of course :)
> It's pretty easy to reproduce:
> package Zip::Controller::Root;
> ...
> use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip;
> use IO::Compress::Gzip qw/ gzip $GzipError /;
> sub uncompress : Local {
> my ( $self, $c ) =3D @_;
> my $uncompressed =3D "This is some text that can be
> compressed.\n" x 5;
> my $compressed;
> gzip( \$uncompressed, \$compressed ) || die $GzipError;
> $c->res->body( IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new( \$compressed ) );
> return;
> }
> $ script/zip_test.pl <http://zip_test.pl> /uncompress
> -s on unopened filehandle GEN2 at =
> /home/bill/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.14.2/lib/site_perl/5.14.2/Catalyst=
.pm =
> line 1948, <DATA> line 1000.
> [warn] Serving filehandle without a content-length
> This is some text that can be compressed.
> This is some text that can be compressed.
> This is some text that can be compressed.
> This is some text that can be compressed.
> This is some text that can be compressed.
> -- =
> Bill Moseley
> moseley at hank.org <mailto:moseley at hank.org>
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