[Catalyst] Setting file handle as the response body generates
neil at mylunn.id.au
Thu Nov 21 02:04:30 GMT 2013
On 21/11/2013 11:48 AM, Bill Moseley wrote:
> Seems noncompliance may be rampant.
> Anyway, sounds like Catalyst isn't quite supporting this kind of file =
> handle as expected. John, is there anything you would want me to try?
Hi Bill. Back to my original response, trying to get the size of this =
handle (or any other type of in memory handle) with a file stat operator =
will not work. What catalyst is trying to do:
$size =3D -s $response->body;
Because it reasonably expects you have provided a handle that can read =
and most importantly you have not provided a content length. Being the =
earlier conditional.
Thinking this through, if the file was on disk then -s would not return =
the uncompressed size. Which is what you want.
As for that not working for this type of handle ( aslo see something =
like IO::Scalar ), I can't see why Catalyst should be expected to do =
that for you. Which is why there is the provision to provide a =
content_length and avioding this fallback condition.
Your issue as I see it, is that something is borked on your setup with =
the Gzip implementation that is stopping you from getting the =
uncompressed size from the content. Therefore I suggest you start =
looking there.
Again I cannot see how or why Catalyst could or should be expected to =
work this out for you, and the best method is to set the correct =
content_length once you have sorted out the Gzip issue. Or failing that =
do you have some other way in your implementation to know the =
content_length when uncompressed.
As below just works, which is as near as I can see to what you are =
basically doing.
package Gzip::Web::Controller::Root;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' }
use IO::Compress::Gzip qw/gzip $GzipError/;
use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip;
use Data::Dumper;
__PACKAGE__->config(namespace =3D> '');
sub index :Path :Args(0) {
my ( $self, $c ) =3D @_;
my $data =3D "123456890ABCDEFGHIGQWERRTYYUIO";
my ($comp, $body);
gzip(\$data, \$comp) || die $GzipError;
if ( $c->req->header('accept-encoding') =3D~ /gzip/ ) {
$c->log->debug( 'Sending compressed' );
$body =3D $comp;
} else {
$c->log->debug( 'Sending uncompressed' );
$body =3D IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new( \$comp );
$c->res->content_length( $body->getHeaderInfo->{ISIZE} );
$c->log->debug( Dumper( $body->getHeaderInfo ) );
$c->res->body( $body );
> $ perl -MIO::Uncompress::Gunzip -le 'use Data::Dumper; print Dumper =
> +IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new( "Catalyst-Runtime-5.90051.tar.gz" =
> )->getHeaderInfo'
> $VAR1 =3D {
> 'Time' =3D> 1383843952,
> 'Flags' =3D> 8,
> 'TextFlag' =3D> 0,
> 'MethodID' =3D> 8,
> 'ExtraField' =3D> [],
> 'CommentFlag' =3D> 0,
> 'Type' =3D> 'rfc1952',
> 'NameFlag' =3D> 1,
> 'ExtraFlags' =3D> 2,
> 'HeaderCRC' =3D> undef,
> 'isMinimalHeader' =3D> 0,
> 'MethodName' =3D> 'Deflated',
> 'ExtraFlag' =3D> 0,
> 'HeaderLength' =3D> 39,
> 'ExtraFieldRaw' =3D> undef,
> 'Comment' =3D> undef,
> 'OsName' =3D> 'Unix',
> 'FingerprintLength' =3D> 2,
> 'HeaderCRCFlag' =3D> 0,
> 'OsID' =3D> 3,
> 'TrailerLength' =3D> 8,
> 'Name' =3D> 'Catalyst-Runtime-5.90051.tar',
> 'Header' =3D> p?{RCatalyst-Runtime-5.90051.tar'
> };
> -- =
> Bill Moseley
> moseley at hank.org <mailto:moseley at hank.org>
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