[Catalyst] Can't detach from root / create action object
Craig Chant
craig at homeloanpartnership.com
Wed Nov 27 12:36:54 GMT 2013
No the documentation isn't clear, if I could understand it I wouldn’t be asking this question.
What is $action ? And yes I've looked at the manual.
Chapter 3 when you search for 'detach' states..
NOTE: If you use the default template technique, you will not be able to use either the $c->forward or the $c->detach mechanisms (these are discussed in Chapter 2 and Chapter 9 of the Tutorial).
So I go back to chapter 2 and search for detach and get zero results the same when I search chapter 9?
Not sure why you seem to think the tutorial is clear, when I seem to be going round in circles?
-----Original Message-----
From: David Schmidt [mailto:davewood at gmx.at]
Sent: 27 November 2013 12:24
To: The elegant MVC web framework
Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Can't detach from root / create action object
You should tell us what you want to achieve.
"I want to pass an action to detach()" is not a proper problem description.
The documentation is pretty clear on what is expected.
$c->detach( $action [, \@arguments ] )
$c->detach( $class, $method, [, \@arguments ] )
Have you checked the Catalyst Tutorial. It should provide examples for detach() There is also the test suite which you can grep for detach.
On 27 November 2013 13:00, Craig Chant <craig at homeloanpartnership.com> wrote:
> I seem to be going round in circles unable to understand how I create
> an action object so I can pass it to detach as the IRC has told me to
> pass in an action and not what I thought which was ‘controller_name, subroutine’.
> E.G.
> $c->detach(‘my_controller_name’,’index’);
> But it seems that this signature is (‘class_name’, ‘subroutine’)
> I’m having a problem with Catalyst randomly deciding when it is OK to
> have a controller and a model called the same, as I have in the same
> root auto subroutine ,
> $c->detach(‘splashscreen’,’index’).
> Where I have both a controller called ‘SplashScreen’ and a model
> called ‘SplashScreen’, and the detach works fine.
> However, for another controller / model pair called
> ‘ComplianceUpdates’,
> This doesn’t work
> $c->detach(‘complianceupdates’,’index’).
> and errors with…
> Couldn't forward to "ComplianceUpdates". Does not implement "process"
> Couldn't detach to command "complianceupdates": Invalid action or component.
> So If I am to use
> $c->detach($action);
> How do I create a Catalyst::Action object.
> What attributes am I meant to be setting in the object before I pass
> it in, and where are the docs for this as I can’t find them.
> All help is appreciated.
> Craig Chant
> Information Technology Manager
> Direct Line: 01903 227 753 Main Line: 01903 602 664 Website:
> www.homeloanpartnership.com
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