[Catalyst] REST and versioning
John Napiorkowski
jjn1056 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 17 17:12:36 GMT 2013
Great questions and thoughts, I've inlined comment below. Sorry for the odd formatting, yahoo email just seems to get worse and worse...
>From: Bill Moseley <moseley at hank.org>
>To: The elegant MVC web framework <catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk>
>Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 10:52 AM
>Subject: [Catalyst] REST and versioning
>I've once again used up an hour or so reading Stack Overflow and blog posts on REST API versioning. (And the arguments for and against.)
>Perhaps extending the discussion on how Catalyst supports REST:
>I'm wondering if Catalyst might help in supporting API versions. Somewhat similar to how Catalyst::Action::REST will call methods based on the HTTP method, perhaps call actions based on some version (provided by some means -- like a version in the path or in an Accept header).
People seem to get religious over how to version their API. I doubt I'd want to take sides on this but here's how I think we could do both side (URL version and content type versioning
>Catalyst::Action::REST helps keep the actions tidy by calling methods specific to each method (foo_GET, foo_PUT). Obviously, we could simply check if ( $req->method eq 'GET' ) but would end up with pretty ugly actions and no automatic "Allow" header.
>With versions I'm concerned about that my foo_GET method will end up with a bunch of "if ( $version > 1.1 ) {....} elsif ($version >1.0 ) ...
>So, running with the C::Action::REST approach, something like:
>sub foo_GET { ... } # Default
>sub foo_GET : Version( 1.1 ) { ... } # Use if client requests version is 1.1
>Frankly, seems like maintenance nightmare and Action explosion. Where that version comes from (url, Accpet header) is often debated (see links).
So the most recent stable Catalyst lets you declare http method matching natively, so here's how I might do this with Cat out of the box (untested code, but should serve the idea)
Lets say you want to match a url like /api/$version/...
package Myapp::Web::Controller::API;
use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
sub start : ChainedParent
PathPrefix CaptureArgs(0)
my ($self, $ctx) = @_;
sub version_one : Chained('start') PathPart('1') Args(0) { ... }
sub version_two : Chained('start') PathPart('2') Args(0) { ... }
package Myapp::Web::Controller::API::1;
use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
sub start : ChainedParent
PathPrefix CaptureArgs(0)
my ($self, $ctx) = @_;
package Myapp::Web::Controller::API::2;
use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
sub start : ChainedParent
PathPrefix CaptureArgs(0)
my ($self, $ctx) = @_;
I guess you could use this with Catalyst:Action::REST based controllers as well. There's probably a few ways you could do this. but I'd probably combine chaining with different ontrollers for different versions so that I could best group the common functionality.
If you wanted to take the content negotiation approach, this would fit right into the proposal
package MyApp::Web::Controller::User; use base 'Catalyst::Controller'; sub example :Local Provides('application/vnd.mycompany.user.v1+json') { my ($self, $ctx) = @_; } 1;
In this case the Provides attribute could be setup to match and route as expected. We might want to consider allowing Regexp or some subset of regexp so that you could match more than one type of incoming requested response (for example you might care about the application/vnd.mycompany.user.v1 but not the JSON bit, and might use some other strategy, as best to avoid repeating yourself a lot.
>Any better ideas how to support versioning in Catalyst actions?
Well, I think the two general approaches are outlined here. some people like to version as part of the URL, others follow a more purely restful approach and insist it is a matter for content negotiation. I imagine you could have some plack middleware to smooth this over, for example to use content accept introspection in your code, but allow people to have some tag as a query param or similar. We do this with the HTTP method matching for the newer Catalyst, since most browsers only support GET and POST method verbs, you can set a custom http header to map POST to PUT or DELETE. This might be a good approach when dealing with clients that are not smart about doing true RESTful negotiation.
It might also be useful to take a look at what some other frameworks in the RUby and Python world are doing.
>The subject of versioning is a bit overwhelming. Here's some starting points, if curious:
> * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/389169/best-practices-for-api-versioning
> * http://www.lexicalscope.com/blog/2012/03/12/how-are-rest-apis-versioned/
> * http://www.subbu.org/blog/2008/05/avoid-versioning-please
> * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2024600/rest-api-versioning-only-version-the-representation-not-the-resource-itself?lq=1
> * http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1566460
> * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/972226/how-to-version-rest-uris
> * and plenty more...
Great links, and covers the based around a lot of these options. Versioning needs is one reason I tend to not favor JSON for my canonical APIs, since its a great data format but lacks a bit for robustness as a document exchange format. But that's another religious argument I guess :)
>Bill Moseley
>moseley at hank.org
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