[Catalyst] Opening existing PDF with Catalyst::View::PDF::API2
Adam Witney
awitney at sgul.ac.uk
Sun Oct 12 13:27:10 GMT 2014
Hi, thanks for your reply
> I haven't used it, but looking at the last paragraph of the docs for ``process`` https://metacpan.org/pod/Catalyst::View::PDF::API2#process I notice they say to use $c->stash->{pdf_filename} = 'myfile.pdf'; to set the PDF
> filename. They also mention what filename is assumed by default.
I think this "filename" defines the filename of the downloaded file rather than an input file
> ->open is a class method of PDF::API2, and I think you only get object methods with the object provided by Catalyst::View::PDF::API2
I think that this is the problem, I can in fact get it to work if I change PDF::API2.pm from
184 sub open_scalar {
185 my ($class, $content, %options) = @_;
187 my $self = {};
188 bless $self, $class;
184 sub open_scalar {
185 my ($class, $content, %options) = @_;
187 my $self = {};
188 if ( ref($class) ) {
189 $self = $class;
190 } else {
191 bless $self, $class;
192 }
This is obviously not an ideal fix but I don't understand how C::V::PDF::API2 interacts with PDF::API2, ie where does the TT pdf object come from?
Thanks again for your help
On Sun, 2014-10-12 at 11:56 +0000, Adam Witney wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use Catalyst::View::PDF::API2 to open an existing PDF,
> modify it and then send it to the user. Looking at the documentation,
> it says that you can reuse existing PDF's but it doesn't show how to
> do it. I have tried this in the template
> [% page = pdf.open('my.pdf') %]
> But this gives the error:
> undef error - Attempt to bless into a reference at /opt/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.14.1/lib/site_perl/5.14.1/PDF/API2.pm line 188.
> Has anyone managed to get this to work? Or does anyone know what this error means?
> Thanks for any help
> Adam
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