[Catalyst] STDERR/Debug/Log File
QE :: Felix Ostmann
ostmann at qe.de
Tue Dec 15 08:12:23 GMT 2015
we are using Log4perl to log in different logfiles (paniclog (ERROR &
PANIC) + app.log (DEBUG & INFO & WARN & ERROR & PANIC)). Also we override
die() & warn() to write into logfiles before write to STDERR.
It is possible to use a special app-debug.log only for DEBUG-level messages.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Felix Ostmann
QE GmbH & Co. KG
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2015-12-15 8:39 GMT+01:00 Andrew <catalystgroup at unitedgames.co.uk>:
> Couldn't find a clear answer via google, so am choosing to pick your
> brains on this....
> How does one get error information, for debugging, going into a text file
> instead of to the terminal window?
> The context is a Catalyst App started via a Plackup command.
> Do I add something to that command line command (does 2> work with
> plackup?),
> or do I add something to the script in my Catalyst app?
> Either way, I'd like STDERR to go to a specified text file, instead of to
> the terminal window.
> It sounds stupidly simple, only a few google searches later, the answer is
> still surprisingly unclear, =S.
> Grateful for any help.
> If there's more than one way to do it, any advice on best practice also
> appreciated.
> Yours,
> Andrew.
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