[Catalyst] question about authorization and roles

Luca Ferrari fluca1978 at infinito.it
Mon Feb 9 13:53:16 GMT 2015

Hi all,
I'm trying to setup the authorization in an application, and therefore
in my controller method I've something like the following:

if ( ! $c->check_any_user_role( qw/Admin Manutentore/ ) ){ .... }

and the above is always failing. At first I thought I was missing
something with the role configuration, but in my application I also
use ACLS that to the same path are configured as follows (and do

if ( ! $c->check_any_user_role( qw/Admin Manutentore/ ) )

The configuration of the application is as follows:

Authentication' => {
    default_realm => 'members',
    realms => {
        members => {
            credential => {
                class => 'Password',
                password_field => 'password',
                password_type => 'clear'
                    store => {
                        class => 'DBIx::Class',
                        user_model => 'SmicketsDB::User',
                        role_relation => 'roles',
                        role_field => 'description',

Any idea about?


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