[Catalyst] Keep Plack -r working when commandline closed...?
catalystgroup at unitedgames.co.uk
Fri Oct 23 17:48:29 GMT 2015
Turns out it's super easy to run it in the background, =).
You just add "&" to the end of the commandline, =D.
^_^ Am learning these little server tricks, ;-).
[Tweeted Tatsuhiko Miyagawa of Plack fame, who was kind enough to promptly
respond, with this little gem, =D. Yay!]
----- Original Message -----
From: "Trevor Leffler" <tleffler at uw.edu>
To: "The elegant MVC web framework" <catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk>
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2015 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Keep Plack -r working when commandline closed...?
What about wrapping your shell session with screen?
$ man screen
On 10/23/2015 08:21 AM, Andrew wrote:
> I've ended up using Plackup to start the catalyst app's psgi script (still
> via fast cgi),
> and I'm using -r to indicate it should watch for changes, and reload the
> server when changes are detected.
> It does this fine, as long as my commandline terminal is still open.
> The moment I close it, the server continues to run, yet any watching for
> changes, killing, and restarting no longer happens (as far as I can tell).
> Is there any way to get Plack's scripts that watch and reload (i.e.
> Restarter.pm, etc), to continue to run after I close OSX's terminal window
> end the SSH session?
> Many thanks for any insights offered,
> Yours,
> Andrew.
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