[Catalyst] No database defaults with FormHandler and DBIC
Martin Rehak
ligi at tekkirk.org
Mon Oct 31 07:57:23 GMT 2016
I have a Catalyst app with generated Result class from PostgreSQL database:
=head2 capacity
data_type: 'integer'
default_value: 1
is_nullable: 1
package reha::Form::LessonDetail;
use utf8;
use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
extends 'HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC';
extends 'reha::Form::Base';
has '+item_class' => (default => 'Lesson');
has_field 'capacity' => (type => 'PosInteger',
#default => '1',
label => 'Kapacita');
package reha::Controller::Lesson;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
use utf8;
BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; }
has 'formDetail' => (isa => 'reha::Form::LessonDetail', is => 'rw', lazy => 1,
default => sub {reha::Form::LessonDetail->new });
sub detail :Local :Does('Output') :Does('AuthAdmin') {
my ($self, $c, $lesson_id) = @_;
$validated = $self->formDetail->process(
item_id => $lesson_id,
schema => $c->model('DB')->schema,
params => $c->req->parameters);
if ($validated) {
$c->log->info("Form processed, data saved");
} else {
$c->log->error("Validation failed, data have errors");
$c->stash(template => 'template/lessonDetail.tt', form => $self->formDetail);
I have tried number of different approaches I have find on cpan.org around but
none of them renders default value of '1' into the field of 'capacity'. I would
really like to have defaults going from database schema. I suspect
reha::Form::LessonDetail->new does not return an object with pre-filled
defaults. Should that work? If not, what am I doing wrong, please?
Thank you very much for your time.
Martin Rehak
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