[Catalyst] complex search using Catalyst::Controller::DBIC::API::REST
Hartmaier Alexander
alexander.hartmaier at t-systems.at
Tue Apr 4 10:05:32 GMT 2017
Have you tried using the search parameter with JSON encoded parameters
as suggested before?
DBI::API doesn't guess if the search parameter you've provided is a
column name or a db function.
Best regards, Alex
On 2017-03-28 18:58, Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:
> Hi ,
> Thanks for the response.
> (1) The HTTP Request is:
> /api/rest/general/members?list_returns=holder1&search.member_balance(member_id)=21
> (2) controller config is: https://pastebin.com/2iT1YSPm
> Error log:
> [2017/03/28 22:22:44]- API.pm-290: ERROR
> DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_execute(): DBI Exception: DBD::Pg::st
> execute failed: ERROR: schema "me" does not exist [for Statement "SELECT
> me.holder1 FROM general.members me WHERE ( ( me.member_balance(member_id)
> = ? AND me.society_id = ? ) ) ORDER BY member_id" with ParamValues:
> 1='21', 2='50']
> Regds
> Mallah.
>> Hi,
>> please include your controller config and the http call.
>> Best regards, Alex
>> On 2017-03-19 04:49, Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:
>>> Hi ,
>>> Including member_balance(member_id) in 'search_exposes' config param
>>> did help to proceed to some extent , but the function is being
>>> prefixed by the table alias whereas it should be left alone.
>>> eg:
>>> search_exposes => [
>>> qw/member_balance(member_id)/,
>>> ............
>>> . . . . .
>>> ],);
>>> produces following invalid SQL note: member_balance is prefixed by
>>> 'me' .
>>> ERROR DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_execute(): DBI Exception:
>>> DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: schema "me" does not exist [for
>>> Statement
>>> "SELECT me.holder1 FROM general.members me WHERE ( (
>>> me.member_balance(member_id) = ? AND me.society_id = ? ) ) ORDER BY
>>> member_id" with ParamValues: 1='21', 2='50']
>>> Any help is appreciated.
>>> regds
>>> mallah.
>>>> Hi ,
>>>> How to perform below search:
>>>> select member_id,holder1 from general.members where
>>>> member_balance(member_id , '2017-03-14') < 0 ;
>>>> there is a function on LHS of the condition
>>>> Regds
>>>> Mallah.
>>>>> Hello Rajesh,
>>>>> C::C::DBIC::API supports that under the hood, so not sure what are you
>>>>> going after.
>>>>> You can either use: search=JSON.stringify(object) or construct the
>>>>> search
>>>>> passing params like: search.holder.-ilike=%mis%. Both should work out
>>>>> of
>>>>> the box.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 10:24 AM, Rajesh Kumar Mallah
>>>>> <mallah at redgrape.tech>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi ,
>>>>>> CGI::Expand collapse_hash comes to rescue ,
>>>>>> below is a small snippet that converts the perl
>>>>>> hash reference to the TT's dotted format using
>>>>>> CGI::Expand.
>>>>>> ============================================================
>>>>>> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>>>>>> use strict;
>>>>>> use CGI::Expand qw(expand_hash collapse_hash);
>>>>>> use Data::Dumper;
>>>>>> use JSON::XS;
>>>>>> use URI::Escape;
>>>>>> # SQL::Abstract Syntax comes here.
>>>>>> my $where = {
>>>>>> search => {
>>>>>> holder1 => { -ilike => '%mis%' },
>>>>>> mobile1 => { -ilike => '%967%' },
>>>>>> flat_no => 'A203'
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> } ;
>>>>>> my $flat_hash = collapse_hash( $where );
>>>>>> print join '&' , map { my $k = $_; my $v = uri_escape(
>>>>>> $flat_hash->{$k}) ; "$k=$v" } keys %{$flat_hash};
>>>>>> print "\n";
>>>>>> ======================================================
>>>>>> Output:
>>>>>> $VAR1 = {
>>>>>> 'search.mobile1.-ilike' => '%967%',
>>>>>> 'search.holder1.-ilike' => '%mis%',
>>>>>> 'search.flat_no' => 'A203'
>>>>>> };
>>>>>> search.mobile1.-ilike=%25967%25&search.holder1.-ilike=%
>>>>>> 25mis%25&search.flat_no=A203
>>>>>> Regds
>>>>>> Mallah.
>>>>>>> Hi ,
>>>>>>> In continuation of previous query kindly guide how to do a
>>>>>>> anchored or unanchored ilike search using
>>>>>>> Catalyst::Controller::DBIC::API::REST
>>>>>>> I have used DBIC search with lots of search conditions in past
>>>>>>> that uses SQL::Abstract, at this moment I need a guide(document)
>>>>>>> on how to convert SQL::Abstract's conventions to Query parameter
>>>>>>> format
>>>>>>> Eg:
>>>>>> returns=holder1&list_count=10
>>>>>>> Returns:
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> "Result": "OK",
>>>>>>> "Records": [
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> "holder1": "Sh. R. Krishna Kumar"
>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> "holder1": "Sh. Sharad Kumar Srivastava"
>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> "holder1": "Smt. Shubhra Jain ."
>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> "holder1": "Sh. Balam Singh Negi"
>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> "holder1": "Sh. Subodh Jain"
>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> "holder1": "Smt. Punita Batra"
>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> "holder1": "Sh.K C Sardana"
>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> "holder1": "Smt. Sunita Mishra"
>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> "holder1": "Sh. Vijay Kumar Khanna"
>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> "holder1": "Smt. Daisy Tyagi"
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> ]
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> I need a Query param that would return all holder1 matching
>>>>>>> Mis. ie holder1 ilike '%Mis%'
>>>>>>> As always Thanks in anticipation of your valuable time/attention.
>>>>>>> Regds
>>>>>>> Mallah.
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