Hi,<br> I get into a syntax error with the "observe_field" funtion, eventhough I think it is very basic, I could not get it right. I think the error is at the "url" value, the "observe_field" cannot call the right funtion in the controller or even does not know what it is. Please help me get it right.<br> On the template I have :<br> <br> <select id="selectCountry"><br> <option>[ Select Country ]</option><br> <option value="1">China</option><br> <option value="2">Germany</option><br> <option value="3">United Kingdom</option><br> </select><br> <br> <div id="selectCity0"><br> <select id="selectCity"><br> <option>[ Select Country First ]</option><br> </select><br> </div><br> <br> [% c.prototype.observe_field('selectCountry',{<br> url => '/myApp/selectchain/city',<br>
with => "'country='+document.getElementById('selectCountry').value",<br> update => 'selectCity0',<br> }) %]<br> <br> <br> -----------<br> <br> Thank you<br> <p> 
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