Greetings,<br><br>I've had a look at Catalyst and RoR from a basic point of view and like both. I'm also familiar with the concepts of MVC but again, from a basic point of view. I'm also busy learning design patterns etc. <br><br>So, my head is full and maybe I can't see the wood for the trees in what I'm about to ask.<br><br>I'm 100% happy with what should go in the View part of MVC, 90% sure of what should go in the Controller and more than confused about what should go in the Model (not exactly true)<br><br>I searched the Catalyst mail archives about 'best practice' and came across this (amongst others) and read it in full<br><br>;#1081<br><br>......... leaving me not confused but with lots of questions.<br><br>I've already started my new application and I've set it up like this ...<br><br>lib/P4C/Controller/<br>
/Model/<br> /P4CSchema/ (amongst others)<br> /<br> /<br><br><br>Now, when selectproduct action is called, I want to select all products that match a criteria. In the Catalyst examples, this would be done simply as ........<br><br>$c->stash()->{products} = [$c->model('P4CSchema::Product)->all()];<br><br>and all would be happy in the world.<br><br>But, I might want to do some work on those results before stashing them away so, I may decide to do this in the Controller .......<br><br>my $prod = Model::Product->new();<br>$c->stash()->{products} = [ $prod->get_all_products_that_like_me() ];<br><br>and in Model::Product I'd have something like this (maybe)...<br><br>sub get_all_products_that_like_me() {<br> my $self = shift;<br><br> ## what's the use of schema in this command when it works okay without?<br>
##$self->schema()->resultset('P4CSchema::ProductGroup')->all();<br> my $prods = $self->resultset('P4CSchema::ProductGroup')->all();<br><br> return $self->do_you_like_him( $prods );<br><br>}<br><br>But, is this the right place to put this logic as, I have read on the mailing list that people would use Model::* as a wrapper to the business logic code that is elsewhere.<br><br>So, would this be better (haven't thought this through because as I said, my head is too full) ? .............<br><br>lib/P4C/Controller/<br> /Model/<br> /P4CSchema/ (amongst others)<br> /<br> /<br> /Logic/<br><br>and have in Model::Product one of.....<br><br>use base qw|Logic::Product Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema|; <br>use base qw|Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema Logic::Product|;<br><br>and let Logic::Product do the
....... <br><br>sub get_all_products_that_like_me() {<br> my $self = shift;<br><br> ## what's the use of schema in this command when it works okay without?<br> ##$self->schema()->resultset('P4CSchema::ProductGroup')->all();<br> my $prods = $self->resultset('P4CSchema::ProductGroup')->all();<br><br> return $self->do_you_like_him( $prods );<br><br>}<br><br>Is that's what meant by 'wrapper'?<br><br>Phew, okay, that's it for now. I have my flame pants on, so go ahead ;)<br><br>Many thanks<br><br>-Ants<p> 
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