Hi, first of all, I want to apology if this question does not belong to this mail list.<br> I am working on an email function that read in pop3 mails and return some values such as Subject, From, To, Date. I try Net::POP3, simple code like:<br> <br> my $pop = Net::POP3->new('mymailserver.com', Timeout => 60);<br> <br> if ($pop->login($username, $password) > 0) {<br> my $msg = $pop->top(1); # just read the 1 mail<br> ...<br> }<br> <br> ---<br> If I stash out the value of $msg, it is an ARRAY(...) . I'm not sure how to manipulate that. I hope that someone (not getting mad because I pop the message in wrong room) would help me out a bit with which module is good to use for this type of work.<br> <br> Thank you<br> <br> <p> 
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