No, I don't need to learn OO as I'm happy with it. It's just that while looking at patterns and how Java does them, for example, I start having a rummage around CPAN to see what's there to help me i.e Class::Decorator seemed like a good toy ... but doesn;t work.<br><br>And then all this other stuff pops up and I think ohhh, that's interesting and start having a play. Esp now as I've discovered which is great for showing up packages that otherwise I'd never have come across.<br><br>Perl6 ..... Hmmmmmm. Am not holding my breath for its release. I quite like Ruby but use Perl at work so have to stay here (which I don't mind)<br><br><br><br><b><i></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> <br><br><br><br><br>Anthony Gardner <> wrote on 05/10/2007 10:04:33<br>AM:<br><br>> good enough reason not to use it then if you ask me
;)<br>><br>> Have only played with it but haven;t taken it seriously myself.<br>><br>> But, this does raise another question I have. There is plethora of<br>> modules that are to help Perl be more OO like and stricter ....<br>> which is cool, but are there any good de-facto standard modules that<br>> are used by the majority of people wishing to be more OO compliant.<br>><br>> For example, in the realms of MVC in Perl, Catalyst has become the<br>> de-facto std, DBIx::Class for ORM etc.<br>><br>> I'm currently on a mission to learn patterns and better techniques,<br>> thus searching CPAN for this type of stuff. But, the dates that<br>> these packages were created/last maintained get me thinking that<br>> they're either ULTRA stable or not used very much.<br>><br>> I know this is well OT but then this thread has gone waaaaaaaay off<br>> track from the original mail ......... which I find hilarious ...<br>> as I started
it.<br>><br>> -Ants<br><br>Well, my view is you can kinda get there with perl right now using moose<br>and other modules to fake out the weaknesses in the perl oo layer -- but it<br>looks like full blown strict OO is still pushed into the realm of perl 6.<br>I am not saying you can't do OO right now in perl (of course you can),<br>just that much of the edge of perl OO is smother over by modules that hide<br>the sharp edges from you. So if you are looking to "learn" OO, there may<br>be some disservice to do so in perl as you may not come to see the issues<br>for what they are. As far as learning/using design patterns, to me that<br>seems less tied to the language and more tied to how you "think" out the<br>problems and design solutions.<br><br>-Wade<br><br><br>_______________________________________________<br>List:<br>Listinfo:<br>Searchable archive:<br>Dev site:<br></></blockquote><br><p> 
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