<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' ><tr><td style='font: inherit;'>Using the Rockway's Catalyst book to help bring me up to speed on Catalyst and I've got a problem that I can't figure out.<br><br>On page 59, where it uses a database to store the session key, I've made all the code changes, but when I start the server it gives me the following error:<br><br>"Couldn't find a model named DBIC::Session at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Catalyst/Plugin/Session/Store/DBIC.pm line 143.<br>Compilation failed in require at script/addressbook_server.pl line 53."<br><br>I've installed Session::Store::DBIC module and even reinstalled it to see if missed out on the Session model and I get the same error. Any ideas?<br></td></tr></table><br>
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