Hi,<br><br>When a page loaded in firefox, then it will send a ajax request to get data in json format.<br><br>Some gb2312 words is in the json data.<br><br>When catalyst is started by /home/robin/CBS/script/cbs_server.pl, the data got by client is same as the data i print on the screen by $c->log->debug(). It's showed corrected in firefox client or ie client.<br>
<br>But when catalyst is running by apache mod_perl, the data got by client is different from the data i print on the screen by $c->log->debug().It's showed incorrected.<br><br>A chinese world in gb2312 charset have 2 bytes. what I found in the client is that:<br>
<br>2 bytes of a chinese word was splited, and a octal byte \303 or \302 was added before every byte. So showed incorrect in client.<br><br>Anyone meet the same problem when using mod_perl?<br><br>Thanks!<br><br>Robincui<br>