<p>In WebApp::Controller::SomeController: </p>
<p>This works: </p>
<pre> sub index : Private {} # maps to WebApp/root/src/somecontroller/index </pre>
<p>This doesn't work: </p>
<pre> sub something : Local {} # doesn't map to WebApp/root/src/somecontroller/something (yes, it exists) </pre>
<p>Nor does this:
<pre> sub something : Local { </pre>
<pre> my ( $self, $c ) = @_; </pre>
<pre> $c->stash->{template}='SomeController/something';</pre>
<pre> } </pre>
<p>The templates (index and something) are here:</p>
<pre> c:/webs/webapp/www/WebApp/root/src/somecontroller/</pre>
<p>Apache says:</p>
<pre> File does not exist: c:/webs/webapp/www/somecontroller/</pre>
<p>Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?</p>
<p>Anne </p>
<p>I had problems with the original post and had to delete. I appologize for any inconvenience.</p>
<br><hr align="left" width="300">
View this message in context: <a href="http://www.nabble.com/Local-action-in-controller-not-mapping-to-template-%28retry%29-tp23123769p23123769.html">Local action in controller not mapping to template (retry)</a><br>
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