<html><head></head><body><div style="font-family: Verdana;font-size: 12.0px;"><div>Hello John,</div>
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<div>On Monday, February 23, 2015, John Napiorkowski <jjn1056@yahoo.com> wrote:</div>
<div>...The likely reason is that about 9 months ago the stash was moved to the middleware layer, which makes it context bound and you are asking for the stash in application scope....</div>
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<div>Yes - you are right. Completly forgot about this - while I stuck in developing on Perl 5.18/Catalyst 5.8xxxx until yesterday.</div>
<div>The error was indeed still using stash within application scope. After moving all stash access from application scope into the controller scope (root controller) everything works again as expected. Thanks for your valueable hint.</div>
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