[DBD-SQLite] Could someone explain the pod re sqlite_unicode
and blobs?
Kenichi Ishigaki
ishigaki at cpan.org
Wed Sep 28 00:17:40 GMT 2011
And this bind_col() issue is a bug in DBD::SQLite.
I'll write a fix and a test for it later.
On Tue, 27 Sep 2011 22:57:34 +0100, "Martin J. Evans" <martin.evans at easysoft.com> wrote:
>On 25/09/2011 13:12, Martin J. Evans wrote:
>> Hi,
>> From
>> http://search.cpan.org/~adamk/DBD-SQLite-1.33/lib/DBD/SQLite.pm#Database_Handle_Attributes
>> =====
>> sqlite_unicode
>> If set to a true value, DBD::SQLite will turn the UTF-8 flag on
>> for all text strings coming out of the database (this feature is
>> currently disabled for perl < 5.8.5). For more details on the UTF-8
>> flag see perlunicode. The default is for the UTF-8 flag to be turned off.
>> Also note that due to some bizarreness in SQLite's type system
>> (see http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html), if you want to retain
>> blob-style behavior for some columns under $dbh->{sqlite_unicode} = 1
>> (say, to store images in the database), you have to state so
>> explicitly using the 3-argument form of "bind_param" in DBI when doing
>> updates:
>> use DBI qw(:sql_types);
>> $dbh->{sqlite_unicode} = 1;
>> my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (blobcolumn) VALUES
>> (?)");
>> # Binary_data will be stored as is.
>> $sth->bind_param(1, $binary_data, SQL_BLOB);
>> Defining the column type as BLOB in the DDL is not sufficient.
>> =====
>> I don't understand this and wondered if someone could explain it
>> better to me. I don't get a) the bolded "some" in "for some columns"
>> and when it says "in DBI when doing updates:" it is followed with an
>> example which does an insert.
>> What I'm struggling to understand is what are the precise cases when
>> you need to bind a blob as a SQL_BLOB when sqlite_unicode is on? What
>> I've found if that if you do an insert or update of a png file into a
>> blob field and select it back the UTF8 flag is set on but when the
>> blob is inserted with TYPE => SQL_BLOB it is not - is this the problem?
>> Here is an example:
>> use strict;
>> use warnings;
>> use DBI qw(:sql_types);
>> use Data::Dumper;
>> use Encode;
>> my $euro = "\x{20ac}";
>> my $h = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=test.db", '', '',
>> {RaiseError => 1,
>> # enable the following of you won't get unicode back:
>> sqlite_unicode => 1});
>> eval {
>> $h->do(q/drop table test1/);
>> };
>> $h->do(q/create table test1 (a varchar(50), b blob)/);
>> my $s = $h->prepare(q/insert into test1 values(?, ?)/);
>> open(my $ifh, "<:raw", "in.png");
>> my $png;
>> {
>> local $/ = undef;
>> $png = <$ifh>;
>> }
>> # If you uncomment the following 3 lines and comment the 4th
>> # then blob data does not come back with UTF8 flag on
>> #$s->bind_param(1, $euro);
>> #$s->bind_param(2, $png, {TYPE => SQL_BLOB});
>> #$s->execute;
>> $s->execute($euro, $png);
>> my $row = $h->selectrow_arrayref(q/select * from test1/);
>> ##print Dumper($row);
>> #
>> print "UTF8 flag ", Encode::is_utf8($row->[0]), "\n";
>> print "UTF8 flag ", Encode::is_utf8($row->[1]), "\n";
>> $s = $h->prepare(q/update test1 set b = ? where a = ?/);
>> $s->execute($euro, $png);
>> $row = $h->selectrow_arrayref(q/select * from test1/);
>> #print Dumper($row);
>> #
>> print "UTF8 flag ", Encode::is_utf8($row->[0]), "\n";
>> print "UTF8 flag ", Encode::is_utf8($row->[1]), "\n";
>> open(my $ofh, ">:raw", "out.png");
>> print $ofh $row->[1];
>> close $ofh;
>> which produces:
>> UTF8 flag 1
>> UTF8 flag 1
>> UTF8 flag 1
>> UTF8 flag 1
>> but when you make the change (see comments) you get:
>> UTF8 flag 1
>> UTF8 flag
>> UTF8 flag 1
>> UTF8 flag
>> Thanks
>> Martin
>I'd appreciate some feedback as I'm attempting to collate information on
>unicode support in different DBDs - how it is implemented and what are
>the issues with it so I can present it on dbi-dev to attempt to
>standardise unicode support in DBI.
>Further to the above, I've been experimenting and I also looked at
>https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=19471 which suggested that
>either binding on input as a SQL_BLOB or binding on output as an
>SQL_BLOB would not set the utd8 flag. I confirm the former but when
>binding a column on a select as SQL_BLOB I get no data back at all:
>Before this test in.png is a valid png file and out.png does not exist.
>Output is:
>C:>perl sqlite4.pl
>UTF8 flag 1
>UTF8 flag
>Use of uninitialized value $col2 in print at sqlite4.pl line 65, <$ifh>
>line 1.
>C:>dir out.png
>27/09/2011 22:44 0 out.png
> 1 File(s) 0 bytes
> 0 Dir(s) 15,804,985,344 bytes free
>Altering the script to use the bind_col without specifying the type
>C:>perl sqlite4.pl
>UTF8 flag 1
>UTF8 flag
>C:>dir out.png
>27/09/2011 22:46 12,987 out.png
> 1 File(s) 12,987 bytes
> 0 Dir(s) 15,804,968,960 bytes free
>Also selectall_arrayref with out any bound columns works.
>In other words, specifying a type on bind_col seems to result in
>returning no data at all.
>Some DBDs ignore the TYPE on bind_col (actually, most do) - DBD::SQLite
>does not appear to be one of those though (based on the above results).
>I was experimenting with the idea that specifying a type of SQL_BLOB on
>insert in the params OR specifying a type of SQL_BLOB on select in bound
>columns would return a blob without the utf8 flag on.
>The script I was running is:
>use strict;
>use warnings;
>use DBI qw(:sql_types);
>use Data::Dumper;
>use Encode;
>my $euro = "\x{20ac}";
>my $h = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=test.db", '', '',
> {RaiseError => 1,
> # enable the following or you won't get unicode back:
> sqlite_unicode => 1});
>eval {
> $h->do(q/drop table test1/);
>$h->do(q/create table test1 (a varchar(50), b blob)/);
>my $s = $h->prepare(q/insert into test1 values(?, ?)/);
>open(my $ifh, "<:raw", "in.png");
>my $png;
> local $/ = undef;
> $png = <$ifh>;
># if you bind as a SQL_BLOB on insert then when you retrieve the blob
># it does not come back with utf8 flag on \o/
>$s->bind_param(1, $euro);
>$s->bind_param(2, $png,
> );
>#$s->execute($euro, $png);
>my ($col1, $col2);
>$s = $h->prepare(q/select * from test1/);
>$s->bind_col(1, \$col1);
># works:
>#$s->bind_col(2, \$col2);
># returns nothing:
>$s->bind_col(2, \$col2, SQL_BLOB);
># returns nothing:
>#$s->bind_col(2, \$col2, {TYPE=>SQL_BLOB});
>#print "$col1\n";
># instead of binding if you do the following it works
>#my $row = $h->selectrow_arrayref(q/select * from test1/);
>#($col1, $col2) = @{$row->[0]};
>##print Dumper($row);
>print "UTF8 flag ", Encode::is_utf8($col1), "\n";
>print "UTF8 flag ", Encode::is_utf8($col2), "\n";
>#####$s = $h->prepare(q/update test1 set b = ? where a = ?/);
>#####$s->execute($euro, $png);
>#####$row = $h->selectrow_arrayref(q/select * from test1/);
>######print Dumper($row);
>#####print "UTF8 flag ", Encode::is_utf8($row->[0]), "\n";
>#####print "UTF8 flag ", Encode::is_utf8($row->[1]), "\n";
>open(my $ofh, ">:raw", "out.png");
>print $ofh $col2;
>close $ofh;
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