[DBIx-Class-Devel] Summary of the AllHands 27.11.2012
fREW Schmidt
frioux at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 21:10:38 GMT 2012
Did I miss it? No one was in the cabal...
On Mon, Dec 03, 2012 at 01:24:13AM +0100, Torsten Raudssus wrote:
> Hiho people!
> A bit late, but better late then never, here is a small summarize of
> the first AllHands meeting last tuesday. And of course the
> announcement for the next AllHands. I also attached the complete
> chatlog of the meeting on this email.
> At first, the next AllHands will be again at the same time, so on
> Tuesday, 4. December, 22:00 UTC (or 10pm UTC). I don't expect much
> from the next AllHands cause we already had lots of TODOs, from the
> first one, which still need to be fulfilled :). If you want specific
> topics talked about then, please mention them to me.
> Unrelated to the AllHands but happening in parallel, frew setup Travis
> for DBIC, for more information on this please contact him. See
> https://travis-ci.org/dbsrgits/dbix-class
> So here the list of the points that have been touched:
> - Documentation is still a badass topic ;) I think thats nothing new,
> but we came to the point that we try to gather comments from the
> experts (riba, mst) and the other people write the real POD. An
> important point was also here that we defined that riba and mst
> shouldn't write documentation, someone who is not 100% into the topic
> must do this.
> - We again underlined that 5.8.3 is still the perl version we support
> minimum. I think its important to mention that here, cause its not
> written down. Technical longtime, the AllHands meeting is the only
> place where those kind of requirements should get changed. Everyone
> needs a voice here to stand up.
> - jnap should some of his old developer documentation plans at
> https://github.com/jjn1056/DBIx-Class-Documentation-Manifesto/blob/master/lib/DBIx/Class/Documentation/Manifesto.pod
> I will take this and join it together with my already made up little
> documentations on the EPO wiki, so that we have a steady please for
> developer documentation inside the repository.
> - Review was also a bit topic, which is hard for me to compact, but in
> general: we need more review of code, we need more feedback here. Riba
> will constantly add comments to branches so that the developer of
> those branches can actually fix those. On the other hand riba needs
> much more review for his code, that people also check over this. I
> hope we can activate a bit more culture here.
> - About adding contributor code we had a huge discussion, which ended
> in the fact that everything that wanted to be added must end up in a
> branch. So pull requests from GitHub, or patches submitted via email.
> If those are branches like "income/xxx" so that we can review them and
> order them in proper. We have not really defined any other part of
> this process yet, but this assures at least that we have a decent list
> of parts that need to be reviewed.
> - To make the review process better and give a bit more information,
> we want to introduce a POD based todo management, which allows us to
> have a central TODO but also allows us to have branches specific
> TODOs. We will see how we exactly use this tool, when i made it.
> - frew will make a patch mailer for this mailinglist.
> I hope I didn't forgot any big point mentioned, and I hope I brought
> over enough of the key informations. Of course you guys can also add
> more to this thread!
> Bye!
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fREW Schmidt
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