[DBIx-Class-Devel] [sql-translator] People/rporres/sqlite autoincrement (#26)

Rafael Porres Molina notifications at github.com
Tue Feb 12 11:25:00 GMT 2013

As stated in the SQLite docs, the behaviour of autoincrement changes when the column is a primary key.


Heres a summary of the changes included:

- I have patched SQL::Translator::Generator::DDL::SQLite to add the word AUTOINCREMENT to the primary keys column is detected as primary key.
- I've also patched 30sqlt-new-diff-sqlite.t and 48xml-to-sqlite.t as the new Generator broke some of the tests
- I've added a couple of tests in 56-sqlite-producer.t to prove the new feature.
- I've added my name and mail in the AUTHORS file as suggested by a Peter Rabbitson message in sqlfairy-developers mailing list

Please do take into account that I'm very new to SQL::Translator and I don't know if the changes and the implementation of them are in sync with the common practices of SQL::Translation.



PS. BTW, thanks for SQL::Translator. It's been __VERY__ helpful ;-)
You can merge this Pull Request by running:

  git pull https://github.com/rporres/sql-translator people/rporres/sqlite-autoincrement

Or you can view, comment on it, or merge it online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Fixed autoincrement in primary keys for SQLite
  * removed EOL spaces

-- File Changes --

    M AUTHORS (1)
    M lib/SQL/Translator/Generator/DDL/SQLite.pm (5)
    M t/30sqlt-new-diff-sqlite.t (4)
    M t/48xml-to-sqlite.t (10)
    M t/56-sqlite-producer.t (36)

-- Patch Links --


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