[DBIx-Class-Devel] DBIx-Class-0.08240-TRIAL docs review

Brendan Byrd Perl at ResonatorSoft.org
Fri Feb 15 19:17:13 GMT 2013

See the latest commit to the topic/constructor_rewrite branch.  Mostly,
it's a lot of commas.
*If L<collapsing|/collapse> is requested, there is an additional
requirement of **selecting enough data to make every individual object
uniquely identifiable.*

I thought collapse =3D> 1 on prefetch.  Isn't it ALWAYS requested?

DBIC, DBIx::Class, or L<DBIx::Class>?  What is "standard"?  I'm fine with
simply DBIC (after an introduction to the term).  The link doesn't really
serve much of a purpose in this case.

*That cmp_ok() may or may not pass depending on the datasets involved. This
behavior may or may not survive the 0.09 transition.*

Didn't you just fix this with this patch?  Or rather, if collapse=3D>1 was
specified on the join, would that fix this?

-- =

Brendan Byrd <Perl at ResonatorSoft.org>
Brendan Byrd <BBYRD at CPAN.org>
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