[Dbix-class] How do transactions and Exceptions work?

Tilman Baumann tilman.baumann at collax.com
Mon Dec 12 20:49:49 CET 2005


a qestion about transactions.

I like to wrap a transaction around a function which does quite complex
things with the database and make a complete rollback of everything if
anything fails in it. (Sorry, sentences that long arent usually used in
english? :) )

So the other question is how Exceptions work.
I couldn't find any samples in the test scripts and the documentation of
this topic is empty. :(

Class:DBI has a neat sample of transactions. Maybe there is a simlar way?...

Sorry these are verry basic questions. But unfortunately i find no
evidence how to do this.
A beginners Guide would be realy nice. ;)


Tilman Baumann
Software Developer
Collax GmbH . Boetzinger Straße 60 . 79111 Freiburg . Germany

p: +49 (0) 761-4514-836
f: +49 (0) 761-4563-793

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