[Dbix-class] Docs correction (?)

Jesse Sheidlower jester at panix.com
Mon Apr 10 05:01:48 CEST 2006

I'm not entirely sure about this, hence my sending this as a
question rather than a patch:

In Intro.pod:

The preferred way to generate complex queries is to provide a SQL::Abstract construct to search:

  my $rs = $schema->resultset('Album')->search({
    artist  => { '!=', 'Janis Joplin' },
    year    => { '<' => 1980 },
    albumid => [ 1, 14, 15, 65, 43 ]

This results in something like the following WHERE clause:

  WHERE artist != 'Janis Joplin'
    AND year < 1980
    AND albumid IN (1, 14, 15, 65, 43)

I'm pretty sure that this actually generates:

   AND ( (albumid = 1) OR (albumid = 14) OR (albumid = 15 # ...

and that if you want to get the specified SQL you need:

   albumid => { 'in', [1, 14, 15, 65, 43] }

There's also the question of whether the approved format for the
hashref is { '!=', 'Janis Joplin' } or { '<' => 1980 }, with the
comma or => operator; I'll leave that for you guys who grok
Perl style, but we should be consistent.

Jesse Sheidlower

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