[Dbix-class] Updated test for quoted sort by.
Jesper Krogh
jesper at krogh.cc
Thu Dec 14 10:15:41 GMT 2006
This test failes.. when adding the "aliased" prefix of the sort column.
such as "order by me.year desc" =3D> order by `me`.`year` desc
Basically a resend, if was discussed a bit earlier with some added syntax
of handling this stuff.
Index: t/19quotes.t
--- t/19quotes.t (revision 2968)
+++ t/19quotes.t (working copy)
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
eval { $rs->count };
like($sql, qr/\QSELECT COUNT( * ) FROM `cd` `me` JOIN `artist` `artist`
ON ( `artist`.`artistid` =3D `me`.`artist` ) WHERE ( `artist`.`name` =3D ?
AND `me`.`year` =3D ? )\E/, 'got correct SQL for count query with
-my $order =3D 'year DESC';
+my $order =3D 'me.year DESC';
$rs =3D DBICTest::CD->search({},
{ 'order_by' =3D> $order });
eval { $rs->first };
-like($sql, qr/ORDER BY `\Q${order}\E`/, 'quoted ORDER BY with DESC
(should use a scalarref anyway)');
+like($sql, qr/ORDER BY `me`.`year` DESC/, 'quoted ORDER BY with DESC
(should use a scalarref anyway)');
$rs =3D DBICTest::CD->search({},
{ 'order_by' =3D> \$order });
This one fixes it.
Index: lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm
--- lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm (revision 2968)
+++ lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm (working copy)
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
map { $self->{quote_char}->[0] . $_ . $self->{quote_char}->[1] }
- return $self->SUPER::_quote($label);
+ return join(" ",map { $_ !~ /^(asc|desc)$/i ? $self->SUPER::_quote($_)
: $_ } split(" ",$label));
Patch attached.
-- =
Jesper Krogh
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