[Dbix-class] Overwrite search method in DBIx::Class::ResultSet

Moritz Onken onken at houseofdesign.de
Tue Dec 19 17:52:25 GMT 2006

Hi everyone,

I want to overwrite the search method because I think it's the best way 
to approach my goals.
I want to replace every search for a password with a MD5 function 
wrapped around it. like $rs->search({user => "user1", password => 
"secret"}). And behind the curtain my DBIx-Class component should 
replace the password with MD5('secret').
I think the best way is to overwrite the search method. But this could 
get a little bit tricky if you use more complicated searches with -or or 

Any ideas on that?

Thank you.

Moritz Onken

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