[Dbix-class] DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader 0.02999_01 released

Brandon Black blblack at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 01:35:47 CET 2006

... and available at:


This is the first test release of the -refactor branch of
Schema::Loader.  I expect to break a few things on the way to 0.03,
but I'm trying to keep it at a minimum while various design changes
take place.

The major goals of the refactor branch are to become storage_type
agonstic, to stop manually handling (or having arguments for)
storage_type and connect_info, and to clean up relationship building
and make it do more advanced things.

The change (for the better) in the pluralization of ->has_many rels is
the only intended incompatible change so far for existing Loader
users.  By the time this gets to 0.03 I'll probably put in a config
option to use the previous more broken pluralizations to help existing

These dev releases require branches/DBIx-Class-current installed (it
lists as a requirement DBIx::Class 0.06, which doesn't exist yet -
just make sure you're running -current from svn).

Changes for this release (oops, as you can see, I forgot to put the
upload timestamp there):

0.02999_01 Not yet released
        - Shuffle the modules around
        - Make ourselves theoretically storage_type-agnostic
        - Remove the _db_classes stuff, bump PK::Auto to Base
        - Change default inflections to Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number::to_PL()

-- Brandon

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