[Dbix-class] search using multiple values for the same column

Fernan Aguero fernan at iib.unsam.edu.ar
Wed Jul 5 17:07:46 CEST 2006


I'm having trouble with this:

TABLE items (item_id, item)
TABLE features (feature_id, feature)
TABLE item_features (item_id, feature_id) 

the latter being a join/linking table, so that any item can
have many features and any feature can be related to many

then I do something like this:

my $dbix = My::Schema->connect( ... );

my $item = $dbix->resultset('Items');
my $feat = $dbix->resultset('Features');
my $itfeat = $dbix->resultset('ItemFeatures');

my $itemrs = $item->search( { item_id => $item_id } );
my $itemfeatrs = $itfeat->search( { item_id => $item_id } );

# now I want to get all feature data for the feature_ids I
# obtained in the last query

my $features = [];
while (my $itemfeature = $itemfeatrs->next() ) {
 push @{$features}, $itemfeature->feature_id;

# and now I should do the following
my $featrs = $feat->search( { feature_id => $features } );

except that the problem is before this step, because
is not returning a scalar (the id) but a HASH

All classes were generated by Schema::Loader
(relationships => 1)


Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance,


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