[Dbix-class] OT: configuring multiple environments

Dave Howorth dhoworth at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
Tue Jul 11 12:04:26 CEST 2006

I have a few Linux machines, each with a few 'users' (me, cgi etc), and 
multiple versions of software (mostly Perl, mostly my own code, but 
sometimes multiple versions of CPAN modules). To date I've managed this 
in an ad hoc fashion but it's driving me crazy and I'd like to bring 
some order to it.

Can anybody recommend a good article on setting up a methodical 
multi-configuration environment? Or a better place to ask this question?

Apologies for being OT. I suspect this group of people will be way 
better than Google at answering this question :)

Many thanks, Dave

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